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A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Returns an array of unique temporary Inventory References to the items bartered in the current, active transaction. If the getSoldItems parameter is non-zero, the returned array will contain the items set to be sold by the player. Otherwise, the array will contain the items set to be bought by the player.


(barterItemRefs:array_var) GetBarterItems getSoldItems:0/1


let aBarterItems := GetBarterItems 0

Returns an array with all the unique items being bought. Returns 0 if there are no items being bought.

int iNumItems
int iIndex
ref rItem
array_var aBarterItems
array_var aSoldItems

let iNumItems := 0

let aBarterItems := GetBarterItems 0  ;bought items
let aSoldItems := GetBarterItems 1  ;sold items
if (aBarterItems == 0)
   let aBarterItems := ar_Construct "array"  ;Otherwise ar_Cat won't work.
ar_Cat aBarterItems, aSoldItems  ;both bought and sold items, together

let iIndex := ar_size aBarterItems
while (iIndex -= 1) >= 0
   let rItem := aBarterItems[iIndex]
   let iNumItems += rItem.GetRefCount

let aSoldItems := aBarterItems := ar_Null

Returns the total amount of items (both being bought and sold) in the transaction, including items in stacks.

See Also