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Defines the hair available for both NPCs and the player to use.

Each hair style has a unique editor ID. By right clicking in the window, you can add or duplicate a hair style.

Hair can be added to a Race by opening both the Race and Hair tabs together, select the race you want to add hair to, and drag the hair from the hair screen into the "Hair Styles" in the "Face Data" tab.

Hair Dialog

  • Name: Name of the hair.
  • Playable: If checked, available for player in the player creation screen when starting the game.
  • Fixed Color: If checked, hair color selection on the NPC Face tab is ignored.
  • Can Be Male: If checked, available to male NPCs.
  • Can Be Female: If checked, available to female NPCs.
  • Art file: Filename of the 3D model (.NIF) used for hair. Click the Edit button to browse for the model.
  • Texture file: Takes a .dds file. Click the Edit button to browse for the texture.

Bulk Adding Hairs to Races

Adding Hair records to Races is extremely tedious in both GECK and xEdit as you are only able to add one at a time, and it can be quite time consuming if you wish to add several hairs to a single race or visa versa. Wrye Bash can quickly add all hairs to all races with the Bashed Patch function, which can then be merged into other plugins.

Add Wrye Bash to your mod manager of choice, enable all of the plugins you wish to manage, launch Wrye Bash from your mod manager, and then right-click on the "Bashed Patch, 0" plugin at the bottom of your plugin list, and select Build/Rebuild Patch. It may tell you to disable plugins that could be merged, but ignore it. You will get a list of tickable options, and the one you're interested in is "Tweak Races". Tick it, and in the menu to the right of it is a list of individual tweaks. Tick "Races Have All Hairs" to patch all of the races in your mod order to be able to use all hairs, and then hit "Build Patch" at the bottom of the window. It will create the plugin, and you can now close Wrye Bash. You can prune your plugin in xEdit if need be.

See Also