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A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Toggles the visibility of the specified Armor Biped Slot when in 1st person POV.

Normally, UpperBody, Left/RightHand and PipBoy are the only biped slots that are visible in 1st person, the rest being hidden. This function enables to override this limitation.

  • Calling this function will have no immediate effect on items that are already equipped. To apply the changes, simply call ReloadEquippedModels on the player: player.ReloadEquippedModels
  • The 2nd argument may be omitted, in which case the function will only return the visibility state of the specified slot, without making any changes.


(isToggled:0/1) ToggleBipedSlotVisibility slotID:int{0-19} toggle:1/0


ToggleBipedSlotVisibility 17 1
ToggleBipedSlotVisibility 2 0
set bSlotVisible to ToggleBipedSlotVisibility 10 

Biped Slot IDs

0	Head
1	Hair
2	UpperBody
3	LeftHand
4	RightHand
5	Weapon
6	PipBoy
7	Backpack
8	Necklace
9	Headband
10	Hat
11	EyeGlasses
12	NoseRing
13	Earrings
14	Mask
15	Choker
16	MouthObject
17	BodyAddon1
18	BodyAddon2
19	BodyAddon3