(Redirected from Body-Part Data)
BodyPartData Dialog
Body parts are identified in Actor Data -> Body Part Data.
- ID: Object form ID. A unique name to identify the object form.
- Skeleton Model: Name file for the model whose parts are described by this object.
- Ragdoll Data: A drop-down list of all the Ragdoll IDs associated with the Body Part Data. Which Ragdolls are associated are assigned in the Ragdoll Dialog.
- Part Data: Right-click or double-click an existing item in this window to bring up the BodyPart window.
- Part Name: Display name of the part.
- Part Type: The assigned type of body part.
- Node Name: The specific bone (node) that the body part is attached to.
- VATS Target: The bone (node) that is used by VATS to identify this part.
- Damage Mult: The damage multiplier used for damage done to this body part.
- Health Percent: The percentage of the actor's total health at which that body part becomes crippled.
- Hit Chance: The base percentage chance to hit this body part target in VATS.
- Actor Value: The actor value that will be affected when this body part is reduced to zero.
- Flags: Mark body part as severable or explosive, enable headtracking, etc.
- Never include the word "Prime" in a BodyPartData form, the engine is hardcoded to apply unknown changes intended for Liberty Prime to any actors using BPD with that string.