Bug: Children Tiles
This page explains the bug which affects GetUIFloat, SetUIFloat, SetUIString, and SetUIStringEx.
Bugged Templated Children Tiles
For the following line of code,
SetUIString "StartMenu/MCM/*:1/*:4/_title"
the indices *:1 and *:4 refer to wrong templated children since NVSE defined the list struct incorrectly, Meanwhile, for JIP LN NVSE UI functions like GetUIString, the indices would pick the correct tile.
It was also returning different tiles than JIP's functions even when not using indices, for an unknown reason:
GetUIString "HUDMainMenu/Info/justify_center_text/string"
returned a string from a different tile than
SetUIStringEx "HUDMainMenu/Info/justify_center_text/string"
would edit.
In the interest of reproducing this issue,
refers to the [Empty] tag on containers.
The suggested solution is to use the fixed versions of the above functions: GetUIFloatAlt, SetUIFloatAlt, and SetUIStringAlt.
The original functions could not be modified, as some mods, notably MCM, relied heavily on the functions being broken for templated children tiles.