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Creatures are a class of actors that cannot wear armor or clothing, or appear in the LeveledCharacter lists. They have a skeletal and animation system separate from the standardized system that NPC actors use, allowing for more variation in appearance, VATS target areas, and other aspects. Creatures in Fallout 3 and New Vegas can use traditional weapons if they have the appropriate skeletal nodes and animations for them, they are not limited to using "Embedded weapons" or inherent melee attacks. Creatures have the capacity for dialog inherently built in and can act as full NPC actors including companions or vendors.

Creature Window

  • ID: Editor ID of the creature form.
  • Name: Display name for the creature form.
    • If this field is empty, the Creature cannot be activated.
  • Script: Active script for all references of this creature form. Select the ellipses button (...) to edit or view the script.
  • Dialogue Button: Opens a window that shows all dialogue this creature might say.
  • Preview: Mark this box to see a rendered preview of the creature to the right of the tabs.

Template Data

Each checkbox corresponds to a tab on the creature. If checked, the creature gets it's data for that tab from the creature specified in the ActorBase field.

  • Base Data does not include the Quest Item, No Knockdowns, No VATS Melee, Is Ghost, or Invulnerable flags.
  • Use Model/Animation includes the Blood, Sounds, and Destruction tabs.


Flag Function
Quest Item Creature updates more frequently. Dead body isn't removed when the cell regenerates.
Can't Open Doors Just like it sounds. If checked, the creature cannot open or pass through doors of any kind. This includes doors that actually open as well as doors that act as portals to a new places (like the door to your Megaton home).
No Low Level Processing The creature does not update its AI unless the player is in the same cell as it.
Essential The essential creature in question never dies. No special message appears when interacted with while unconscious, and may still be looted.
No Knockdowns If checked, this creature cannot be knocked down by any attack. The creature also can't be knocked out with Fatigue weapons.
No VATS Melee Despite the name, this has nothing to do with VATS at all, instead it prevents this creature from being targeted by melee attacks from other Ais.
Respawn References of this creature in the world will be recreated after three days.
Allow PC Dialogue The player may engage this creature in dialogue.
Allow Pickpocket The player may pickpocket this creature.
Is Ghost The creature will not show up on your radar in the HUD and will not be targetable with VATS.
Invulnerable The creature cannot be damaged and will not go into combat if the player attacks them.


For a description of the tabs to the right, select from below:


  • Essential Creatures that have been knocked out and are crippled will have their limb health restored upon getting back up. However crippled limbs set through script from SetActorValue will not be healed.
  • Essential Creatures that have been knocked out that are not normally enemies to the player but have been provoked by the player will sometimes have their hostility to the player reset upon getting back up.
  • Disabled actors do not run scripts however if an actor is disabled with a script command the script will continue to run until the area is left and returned to later.
  • "No VATS Melee" Has nothing to with VATS and instead prevents other creatures and NPCs from using melee attacks on the flagged creature, if an actor with only melee weapons goes into combat with a creature set with this flag they will run away.
  • Creatures that are not flagged "Quest Item" but have a "Quest Item" flagged item in their inventory will not despawn until the quest item is removed regardless of flags set on the creature base record.
  • Creatures without a Weapon List in the traits tab cannot use any weapon record aside from their built-in melee attacks.
  • Creatures with display names (Not the Editor ID) with "Lily" or "Prime" contained anywhere in the name are subject to unique engine behavior and thus caution should be used when naming them.

See Also


This category has only the following subcategory.