Form Type IDs

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The following table lists IDs, four-letter codes and descriptions of Form Types in Fallout: New Vegas.
Note that not all items are in the obvious category. For example, Ingestibles and other Aid items are under Ingestible and include magazines, while skill books such as The Wasteland Survival Guide are under the Book category, despite appearing in the Aid category when viewed in the Pip-boy.

ID ID (hex) 4-letter code Description Notes
0 0x0 NONE None
1 0x1 TES4 File Header
2 0x2 GRUP Group
3 0x3 GMST Game Setting
4 0x4 TXST Texture Set
5 0x5 MICN Menu Icon
6 0x6 GLOB Global
7 0x7 CLAS Class
8 0x8 FACT Faction
9 0x9 HDPT Head Part
10 0xA HAIR Hair
11 0xB EYES Eyes
12 0xC RACE Race
13 0xD SOUN Sound
14 0xE ASPC Acoustic Space
15 0xF SKIL Skill
16 0x10 MGEF Base Effect
17 0x11 SCPT Script
18 0x12 LTEX Land Texture
19 0x13 ENCH Object Effect
20 0x14 SPEL Actor Effect
21 0x15 ACTI Activator
22 0x16 TACT Talking Activator
23 0x17 TERM Terminal
24 0x18 ARMO Armor Can be used as an inventory item. Includes Armor Addons. To distinguish, use IsArmorAddon.
25 0x19 BOOK Book Can be used as an inventory item.
26 0x1A CLOT Clothing Unused.
27 0x1B CONT Container
28 0x1C DOOR Door
29 0x1D INGR Ingredient Unused.
30 0x1E LIGH Light
31 0x1F MISC Miscellaneous Can be used as an inventory item.
32 0x20 STAT Static
33 0x21 SCOL Static Collection
34 0x22 MSTT Moveable Static
35 0x23 PWAT Placeable Water
36 0x24 GRAS Grass
37 0x25 TREE Tree
38 0x26 FLOR Flora
39 0x27 FURN Furniture
40 0x28 WEAP Weapon Can be used as an inventory item.
41 0x29 AMMO Ammo Can be used as an inventory item.
42 0x2A NPC_ NPC
43 0x2B CREA Creature
44 0x2C LVLC Leveled Creature
45 0x2D LVLN Leveled Character
46 0x2E KEYM Key Can be used as an inventory item.
47 0x2F ALCH Ingestible Can be used as an inventory item.
48 0x30 IDLM Idle Marker
49 0x31 NOTE Note Can be used as an inventory item.
50 0x32 COBJ Constructible Object
51 0x33 PROJ Projectile
52 0x34 LVLI Leveled Item
53 0x35 WTHR Weather
54 0x36 CLMT Climate
55 0x37 REGN Region
56 0x38 NAVI Navmesh Info Map
57 0x39 CELL Cell
58 0x3A REFR Reference Reference to the base object placed in the world.
59 0x3B ACHR Character Reference Reference to the base NPC placed in the world.
60 0x3C ACRE Creature Reference Reference to the base Creature placed in the world.
61 0x3D PMIS Missile Projectile
62 0x3E PGRE Grenade Projectile
63 0x3F PBEA Beam Projectile
64 0x40 PFLA Flame Projectile
65 0x41 WRLD Worldspace
66 0x42 LAND Land
67 0x43 NAVM Navmesh
68 0x44 TLOD Unknown Unused.
69 0x45 DIAL Dialog Topic
70 0x46 INFO Dialog Topic Info
71 0x47 QUST Quest
72 0x48 IDLE Idle
73 0x49 PACK Package
74 0x4A CSTY Combat Style
75 0x4B LSCR Load Screen
76 0x4C LVSP Leveled Spell
77 0x4D ANIO Animated Object
78 0x4E WATR Water
79 0x4F EFSH Effect Shader
80 0x50 TOFT Offset Table
81 0x51 EXPL Explosion
82 0x52 DEBR Debris
83 0x53 IMGS ImageSpace
84 0x54 IMAD ImageSpace Adapter
85 0x55 FLST Form List
86 0x56 PERK Perk
87 0x57 BPTD BodyPart Data
88 0x58 ADDN Addon Node
89 0x59 AVIF Actor Value Info
90 0x5A RADS Radiation Stage
91 0x5B CAMS Camera Shot
92 0x5C CPTH Camera Path
93 0x5D VTYP Voice Type
94 0x5E IPCT Impact Data
95 0x5F IPDS Impact Data Set
96 0x60 ARMA Armor Addon Unused. Armor Addons are included in 24 (Armor). To distinguish, use IsArmorAddon.
97 0x61 ECZN Encounter Zone
98 0x62 MESG Message
99 0x63 RGDL Ragdoll
100 0x64 DOBJ Default Object Manager
101 0x65 LGTM Lighting Template
102 0x66 MUSC Music
103 0x67 IMOD Weapon Mod Can be used as an inventory item. Not to be confused with imagespace modifiers (IMAD).
104 0x68 REPU Reputation
105 0x69 PCBE Continuous Beam Projectile
106 0x6A RCPE Recipe
107 0x6B RCCT Recipe Category
108 0x6C CHIP Casino Chip Can be used as an inventory item.
109 0x6D CSNO Casino
110 0x6E LSCT Load Screen Type
111 0x6F MSET Media Set
112 0x70 ALOC Media Location Controller
113 0x71 CHAL Challenge
114 0x72 AMEF Ammo Effect
115 0x73 CCRD Caravan Card Can be used as an inventory item.
116 0x74 CMNY Caravan Money Includes Faction Currency. Can be used as an inventory item.
117 0x75 CDCK Caravan Deck
118 0x76 DEHY Dehydration Stage
119 0x77 HUNG Hunger Stage
120 0x78 SLPD Sleep Deprivation Stage
200 0xC8 Actor For ref-walking only, see GetFirstRef
201 0xC9 Inventory Object For ref-walking only, see GetFirstRef

See Also