
(Redirected from SetOnRemovePerkEventHandler)
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A function added by the JohnnyGuitar NVSE Plugin.


Sets/removes the specified UDF Script as a handler that will be invoked when a specified Perk (or any Perk) is removed from the player. FormLists are also accepted as filters.

When invoked, the script is passed with a single argument - a perk than was removed.


SetJohnnyOnRemovePerkEventHandler setORremove:1/0 handlerScript:ref flag:int perk:filter 


SetOnRemovePerkEventHandler setORremove:1/0 handlerScript:ref flag:int perk:filter


SetJohnnyOnRemovePerkEventHandler 1 OnRemovePerkUDF 0 BloodyMess

Sets the OnRemovePerkUDF script as a handler to be invoked when Bloody Mess perk is removed from the player.

SetJohnnyOnRemovePerkEventHandler 0 OnRemovePerkUDF 0 BloodyMess

Removes the OnRemovePerkUDF script as a handler of the above.

Handler Script

A skeleton handler script for this event:

scn OnRemovePerkUDF

ref rPerk

ref rPerkOwner

begin Function {rPerk} 

	set rPerkOwner to this




  • Flag argument is reserved for future use and should always be 0.
  • Since JIP LN version 56.24, it is possible for actors other than the player character to receive and hold perks directly. And since JohnnyGuitar version 4.0, this handler can thus fire for any actor and not just the player. Since it cannot be filtered for a specific actor on which the perk is removed, you may want to check inside the script through GetSelf.

See Also