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A function added by the ShowOff NVSE Plugin.


Sets the randomizer seed (unsigned int) for the calling mod, and resets any progress made with that seed.

If no seedValue is specified, or if it is set to 0, will set the seed to the default seed (value of 5489).

  • NOTE: since the default seed is constant, it will always generate the same sequence of random numbers.

For use with generating random numbers via RandSeeded / GetRandomPercentSeeded. Does not affect random number generation for any other function.


SetRandomizerSeed seedValue:UInt 


SetSeed seedValue:UInt


SetRandomizerSeed 20

Sets the seed for whatever mod is calling this function to 20, and resets that mod's seed progress.
This means that the next sequence of random numbers will predictably generate the same numbers (assuming the min/max don't change in-between calls with RandSeeded).

See Also