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A function included in the GECK for Fallout 3.


Changes weather using the games normal switching to the specified weather. The transition time is effected by the Trans Delta setting of the weather or if SetWeatherTransitionTimeOverride has been used to extend the vanilla maximum of 30 seconds. If OverrideWeatherFlag is 1, the weather will not change again until ReleaseWeatherOverride is called. Otherwise, the weather will change back in the normal fashion according to the weather system.


SetWeather WeatherID:ref WeatherOverrideFlag:bool 


sw WeatherID:ref WeatherOverrideFlag:bool


SetWeather MegatonCloudy01

Sets the current weather to MegatonCloudy01, without overriding the weather change.

SetWeather WastelandClear 1

Sets the current weather to WastelandClear, but overrides so no other weather can happen until ReleaseWeatherOverride is called.

ref rCurrentWeather
set rCurrentWeather to WastelandClear
sw rCurrentWeather

Stores WastelandClear in a Reference before it is set

ref rCurrentWeather 
set rCurrentWeather to GetCurrentWeather 
SetWeatherTransitionTimeOverride 90
sw rCurrentWeather

Sets the current weather to GetCurrentWeather so it doesn't require explicit REF IDs and uses SetWeatherTransitionTimeOverride to extend the transition period to 90 seconds

See Also