Template:Function (Test)

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 CSWikiPage        = name of corresponding page on the TES CS Wiki
 origin            = whether the function came from the GECK itself or was added by a script extender.
                     valid values: CONSOLENV (console functions), GECK1 (GECK 1.1), GECK1.5 (GECK 1.5), FOSE1 (FOSE v1),
                     VEGAS1 (GECK 1.1 New Vegas), NVSE (NVSE), NX (NX plugin), LU (Lutana Plugin), PN (Project Nevada), MCM (MCM), UDF (UDF), JIP (JIP), JohnnyGuitar (Johnny Guitar), SUP (SUP NVSE), kNVSE (kNVSE Plugin), TTW (TTW), LNONLY (Lutana, not merged in JIP), BookMenu (Book Menu Restored), CommandExtender (Command Extender), HotReload (Hot Reload), ShowOff (ShowOff NVSE), Anh (AnhNVSE),  ClearCommand (Clear Command NVSE), PostalOut (PostalOut NVSE), PP (pp NVSE).
 originVersion     = optionally display the version of the origin the function was introduced in				  
 summary           = description of the function
 name              = the name of the function. The page name is the default value.
 alias             = An abbreviated version of the function name that can be
                     used instead of the long name.
 returnVal         = what the function returns.
 returnType        = the type of the returned value.
 referenceType     = if appropriate, the type of reference that the function may be called
                     on with the dot syntax
 arguments         = List of arguments specified using the Template:FunctionArgument template,
                     or any other wiki syntax.
 example           = optionally, the function used as part of a script to serve as an example
 CategoryList      = the list of categories to which the page belongs
 consoleOnly       = Usable only in console, not in compiled scripts
 conditionFunc     = whether the function can be used as a condition
                         Valid values: Condition, Script, or Both.


 |origin = GECK1
 |originVersion = 1.0
 |summary = Used to test actor and activator references to assure that they are testable.
 |name = Test
 |alias = tst
 |returnVal = 0, 1
 |returnType = void
 |referenceType = [Actor, Activator]
 |arguments = 
   |Name = Count
   |Type = int
   |Value = 1, 2, 3
   |Name = Target
   |Type = ref
   |Optional = y
 |example = Player.Test 3


A function included in the GECK for Fallout 3 version 1.0.


Used to test actor and activator references to assure that they are testable.


[Actor, Activator].Test Count:int{1, 2, 3} Target:ref 


[Actor, Activator].tst Count:int{1, 2, 3} Target:ref


Player.Test 3