UseWeapon (Function)
A function included in the GECK for Fallout 3.
Has an actor use its weapon. It is called on a Reference and takes a whopping nine parameters, though the last five are optional:
- the weapon
- where to stand
- the target
- how many times to use the weapon
- whether to crouch when reloading [optional, default is true]
- whether to hold fire when blocked [optional, default is true]
- whether to automagically hit the target [for scripted forced kills; optional, default is false]
- whether to prevent all damage [for scripted protracted fake combat; otpional, default is false]
- where the target needs to stand [optional, default/NULL means "anywhere"]
actor.UseWeapon weapontoUse:baseform whereToStand:ref target:ref numberOfShots:int crouchToReload:int holdFire:int alwaysHit:int doNoDamage:int targetShouldBeHere:int
BuddyRef.UseWeapon Pistol12 BuddyRef HollyRef 5 0 0 0 0 XMarkerRef047
So Buddy would draw his pistol (or grab one if one was nearby), and from his own current location he would fire at HollyRef five times -- but only while she is near XMarkerRef047.