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Geckbot is a PyWikipedia-based robot, used to automate certain repetitive and tedious tasks. It is operated by DragoonWraith.

To request any action of Geckbot, please leave a message on the talk page. Thank you.


Completed Actions
TS7 Feb 2, 2009: 19:19 (EST) Geckbot account created and flagged as Bot.
DW Feb 4, 2009: 15:20 (PST) Geckbot user page set up, first requests taken.
GB b Feb 4, 2009: 17:08 (PST) Geckbot test-run: Changed all instances of "GeckBot" to "Geckbot".
GB b Feb 4, 2009: 17:10 (PST) · See Archive Creation of Function Page from Category:Functions.
GB b Feb 5, 2009: 14:07 (PST) · See Archive Transition of all pages transcluding {{Function}} to use {{FunctionArgument}} instead of the obsolete arg# and optArg# system.
GB b Feb 8, 2009: 12:59 (PST) · See Archive Created a tree-list of all of the Functions in the Function Page.
GB b Apr 2, 2009: 11:14 - 11:37 (PST) Added the {{Incomplete}} tag to all Functions which only linked to the CSwiki.
GB b Aug 12, 2009: 12:24 - 13:45 (EDT) Added all Functions to the GECK 1.0 Functions category, as well as the (GECK 1.0) versions of all sub-categories.
GB b Aug 12, 2009: 21:52 - 21:54 (EDT) Moved all functions added by the Fallout Script Extender from the (GECK 1.0) version of all function categories to the (FOSE) version.
GB b Aug 15, 2009: 11:42 - 14:22 (EDT) Moved all "GECK 1.0" functions to the correct GECK 1.1 categories.
GB b Jul 27, 2010: 11:52 - 12:40 (EDT) Imported 293 functions (including aliases) from text file prepared by Cipscis.
GB b Jul 27, 2010: 15:40 - 16:28 (EDT) Removed extra "title" text from imported functions (see previous log entry).
Planned Actions
GB b Needs Custom Code (major) · See Entry Convert all pages in Category:Functions to use {{Function}}.
GB b Needs Custom Code (minor) · See Entry Create a list of articles in Category:Functions but not in any of the Function Type Categories.
GB b Needs Custom Code (unsure) · See Entry Create redirect pages from aliases to functions.