My idea dumpster and wiki practice ground.
Wait a sec, anyone can edit any user's page?
I DEMAND PROTECTION (but not from myself) 💪😂👌
- 🍗 🍗
Not even death can save you from me! Hahaha Gary!
With as much precision as I may ever be able to describe:
- Companion perk list are perks added through 'player.AddPerk perkID 1'. No other way to have NPCs use perks.
- Abilities in perks thus added do appear on current companions, but NOT on companion additions afterwards.
- Abilities remain on fired companions. Maybe it's better to AddSpell abilities to the specific companion instead.
- Quest stages in perks are triggered for every companion. There's really not much point in using those for companion perks.
Entry points are at massive fault:
Entry point changes do apply to companion additions after having added the perk.
BUT, when adding the perk, the entry point operation is re-applied and stacked by as many companions there are:
- The perk modifier for Add Value operations is multiplied by the amount of companions.
- Same with Add Actor Value Mult.
- The Set Value operation does not present this problem, presumably because it overrides the value at every re-appliance.
- What about the other operations? Add Range to Value at least is functional.
- FREAKING NEWS! This has been fixed with JIP LN version 54.35
PLUS, the perk modifier disappears after reloading!
- Both for game restarts and in-game reloading. Even adding the perk, immediately saving and reloading makes modifiers go away.
- 🅱🅱REAKING NEWS! This has been fixed with JIP LN version (TBA)
Effects from a perk are not re-applied if trying to add the same perk rank when it is already present. Companion perks typically use only 1 rank, so it would be necessary to remove and readd them.
Doing so grants abilities to additional companions who joined after adding the perk the first time, and put back lost entry point modifiers after reloading, but is sure to trigger the entry point magnitude bug.
To sum up
- jazzisparis is Good.
- JIP LN is necessary.
- Try not to use abilities in your companion perks.
- Manage those directly with Add/RemoveSpell instead.
- ...the hell you mean RemoveSpell
works inconsistently
- Or since it's a bit late for that, running Player.RemovePerk <perkid> 1 + Player.AddPerk <perkid> 1 every time GetPlayerTeammateCount changes can do the trick.