BSOrderedNode allows you to influence the alpha sorting of its child Nodes by defining the position (x,y,z) and radius (w) of the Alpha Sort Bound property.
If Static Bound is set, game will sort based on this formula:
depth = dot((boundCenter * nodeWorldPosition), cameraDirection);
If using Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks, this formula is influenced by the Bound radius and Node scale, increasing sorting precision:
depth = dot(((boundCenter * nodeWorldPosition) * cameraDirection)) - (boundRadius * nodeWorldScale);
If Static Bound is false, game will use auto calculated Node Bound instead. The formula is as follows:
depth = dot(boundCenter, cameraDirection);
If using Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks, this formula is influenced by the Bound radius and Node scale, increasing sorting precision:
depth = dot((boundCenter * cameraDirection)) - boundRadius;
If you wish to make NifSkope's Alpha Sort Bound more accurate, edit Nif.XML and replace <add name="Alpha Sort Bound" type="Vector4"> with <add name="Alpha Sort Bound" type="NiBound"> This will correctly display the field as an XYZ + Radius.