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bhkRagdollConstraint is a Havok constraint that defines a range of axes and limits for a bhkRigidBody to rotate in relation to another bhkRigidBody. These include the axis to twist along with a maximum limit the constraint can twist, a cone of allowed movement, and a second set of cones (referred to as planes) to inhibit said movement.

Its fields are:

  • Num Entities: The number of bhkRigidBody blocks used in the ragdoll constraint. Should always be two, the first is the rigid body you wish to attach and the second is the rigid body you wish to attach to.
  • Priority: Determines the Havok constraint priority type, usually 1.
  • Twist A: The XYZ vector of the Twist's Y axis.
  • Plane A: The XYZ vector of the Plane's Y axis.
  • Motor A:
  • Pivot A: The pivot point of the first bhkRigidBody.
  • Twist B: The XYZ vector of the Twist's X axis.
  • Plane B: The XYZ vector of the Plane's Y axis.
  • Motor B:
  • Pivot B: The pivot point of the second bhkRigidBody where the first attaches to.
  • Cone Max Angle: The maximum range in radians that the constraint can move from the pivot.
  • Plane Min Angle: Defines the angle of a cone of inhibited movement in radians.
  • Plane Max Angle: Defines the angle of another cone of inhibited movement in radians.
  • Twist Min Angle: Defines the minimum range of the twist in radians. (Think of it like the limit you can rotate your arm backwards from the shoulder.)
  • Twist Max Angle: Defines the maximum range of the twist in radians. (Think of it like the limit you can rotate your arm forwards from the shoulder.)
  • Max Friction: How stiff the constraint is. If a motor is specified, this is disabled.
  • Motor: