Challenge Filters

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Challenge Filters

Value Challenge Types Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Form 1 (SNAM) Form 2 (XNAM)
0 KillInFormList Body Part (0-6) Actor Value Code (0-76) Weapon Type (0-14) Actor FormList Weapon FormList
1 KillFormID Body Part (0-6) Actor Value Code (0-76) Weapon Type (0-14) Actor BaseForm Weapon FormList
2 KillInCategory Body Part (0-6) Creature Type (0-8) Weapon Type (0-14) NULL Weapon FormList
3 HitEnemy Body Part (0-6) Type of Hit (0-3) Weapon Type (0-14) Actor BaseForm Weapon FormList
4 LocationDiscovered NULL NULL NULL MapMarker Refr Location FormList
5 UseAnIngestible NULL NULL NULL Ingestible BaseForm NULL
6 AcquireAnItem NULL NULL NULL Armor BaseForm NULL
7 UseASkill (Unused in NV) Skillcheck Result (0-2) Skillcheck Difficulty  ??? AV codes ??? NULL NULL
8 DoDamage Body Part (0-6) Actor Value Code (0-76) Weapon Type (0-14) Creature BaseForm Weapon FormList
9 UseAnIngestibleInFormList NULL NULL NULL Ingestible FormList NULL
10 AcquireItemInFormList NULL NULL NULL Item FormList Default Form (unused?)
11 MiscStat Misc. Stat (0-42) NULL Weapon Type (0-14) Default Form (unused?) NULL
12 CraftUsingAnItem NULL NULL NULL Casino Chip NULL
Value Misc Stat
0 QuestsCompleted
1 LocationsDiscovered
2 PeopleKilled
3 CreaturesKilled
4 LocksPicked
5 ComputersHacked
6 StimpaksTaken
7 RadXTaken
8 RadAwayTaken
9 ChemsTaken
10 TimesAddicted
11 MinesDisarmed
12 SpeechSuccesses
13 PocketsPicked
14 PantsExploded
15 BooksRead
16 HealthFromStimpaks
17 WeaponsCreated
18 HealthFromFood
19 WaterConsumed
20 SandmanKills
21 ParalyzingPunches
22 RobotsDisabled
23 TimesSlept
24 CorpsesEaten
25 MysteriousStrangerVisits
26 DoctorBagsUsed
27 ChallengesCompleted
28 MissFortunateOccurrences
29 Disintegrations
30 HaveLimbsCrippled
31 SpeechFailures
32 ItemsCrafted
33 WeaponModifications
34 ItemsRepaired
35 TotalThingsKilled
36 DismemberedLimbs
37 CaravanGamesWon
38 CaravanGamesLost
39 BarterAmountTraded
40 RouletteGamesPlayed
41 BlackjackGamesPlayed
42 SlotsGamesPlayed

Note: while GECK seems to also give the "NONE" option, it actually defaults to "QuestsCompleted" (0).

Value Skillcheck Result
0 None
1 Success
2 Failure
Value Skillcheck Difficulty
0 None
1 Very Easy
2 Easy
3 Average
4 Hard
5 Very Hard
Value Type of Hit
0 None
1 Critical Hit
2 Knockdown
3 Cripple Limb
Value Creature Type
0 None
1 Animal
2 MutatedAnimal
3 MutatedInsect
4 Abomination
5 Supermutant
6 FeralGhoul
7 Robot
8 Giant
Value Weapon Type
0 None
1 HandToHandMelee
2 OneHandMelee
3 TwoHandMelee
4 OneHandPistol
5 OneHandPistolEnergy
6 TwoHandRifle
7 TwoHandAutomatic
8 TwoHandRifleEnergy
9 TwoHandHandle
10 TwoHandLauncher
11 OneHandGrenade
12 OneHandMine
13 OneHandLunchboxMine
14 OneHandThrown (NV only; Spears)
Value Body Part
0 None
1 Head
2 Chest
3 Left Arm
4 Right Arm
5 Legs
6 Weapon

See Actor Value Codes for the list of AV Codes (0-76).

Note that while GECK may seemingly give the option to select "NONE" for AV codes, it actually gets changed to "Aggression" (0) upon closing the tab and saving.