Detection Tab

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Detection Tab Topics

The following dialogue parameters are per combat group timer. A random time is chosen between fCombatDetectionDialogueIdleMinElapsedTime and fCombatDetectionDialogueIdleMaxElapsedTime.

  • AlertIdle: Said periodically while a combat group is searching for a target they have never detected before.
  • AlertToCombat: Said when an actor who is searching detects the target they want to attack and begin to attack.
  • AlertToNormal: Said when an actor who is searching for someone they wanted to attack but are now giving up the search and ending combat.
  • CombatToLost: Said when an actor can no longer detect a target they were fighting and is now going to search for them.
  • CombatToNormal: Said when an actor can no longer detect a target they were fighting but is not going to search for them.
  • DLC03EncounterMegResponse: Very specific use case for Broken Steel.
  • LostIdle: Said periodically while a combat group is searching for a target they have detected before, but they have lost.
  • LostToCombat: Said when an actor is searching for a target they were previously attacking and can now detect that target and are going to begin attacking again.
  • LostToNormal: Said when an actor is searching for a target they were previously attacking and is now giving up the search and ending combat.
  • NormalToAlert: Said when an actor starts noticing a target they want to attack, but cannot detect them, so they begin to search for the target.
  • NormalToAlertResponse: If a valid actor is nearby and an NormalToAlert line is said, the other actor will say their NormalToAlertResponse line in response to this.
  • NormalToCombat: Said when an actor begins to attack a target who they never noticed, or a target who they did not want to attack until the target attacked them.
  • StartCombatResponse: Linked to any of the ToCombat topics, NPC's will say this line in response to another actor who has started combat.


Note that Combat Target checks work for all of these except when the target they are checking dies, most often seen in CombatToNormal.