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Devkit is an alternative to ESP/ESMs. Unlike the vanilla system, these files are uncapped. Indexing is handled through the static instancing system. Kit files get loaded after ESPs. Kit files are written in plain English and can be easily written to via the pRead and pWrite functions. Not all forms are currently supported by kit files. The main files that are supported are Weapons, Item Mods, Scripts, Forms Lists, and Leveled Lists.

All kit files will go inside the FalloutNV\Data\Devkit directory. Currently, kit files are handled by a folder structure, but in the future mod authors will have the option of compressing their kit folders into .kit files for increased performance.

Just like esps, kit files can have masters, but with some additional info such as version number, optional update notifications, along with some other cool functionality that can currently be defined inside your kitInfo.ini. Kit files can create new forms, and edit existing ones from esps and other kit files.

Kit folders:

Your kit folder can be named whatever you want, this will be your mods file name. Inside this folder, you'll define the form types you want to edit. See types here: Form_Type_IDs

These folders should start with the number of their typeID, + an optional short description. Example: "40 Weapons" "17 Scripts" If we were going to make new weapons, we'd define them inside folder 40. once inside a type folder, you can structure and organize however you want the files however you want. Normally you'd just make a single ini. Inside that ini, you'll start defining your weapon using specialized functions. These can either be FormTraits defined from a trait file, or hardcoded functions for that type. Example


General Functions

Type 32 statics

Type 33 SCOL

Type 34 Movable Statics

Type 40 Weapons

Type 45,44 Leveled Lists

Type 52 Leveled Items

Type 71 Quests

Type 85 Forms List

Type 103 Item Mods