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A function added by the ShowOff NVSE Plugin version 1.80.


Forces the calling actor reference to play the hit stagger reaction animation for the limb they just got hit on.

Only works inside OnHit-style event handlers, and only if GetHitLocation is not -1.

It will only work for limb stagger idle anims that check for GetForceHitReaction, which vanilla has only set up for third person. A mod to set them up for first person would be recommended (recommendation pending).

If checkForIgnoreCrippledLimbsAV is set to 1, will not play the hit stagger reaction if the actor has the Ignore Crippled Limbs Actor Value set to > 0.

This function can only be used in a script, not as a Condition.


(success:0/1) actorReference.ForceHitStaggerReaction checkForIgnoreCrippledLimbsAV:0/1{0} 


(success:0/1) actorReference.ForceHitReaction checkForIgnoreCrippledLimbsAV:0/1{0} 

See Also