GECK Extender
The GECK Extender is a project to extend and enhance the functionality as well as fix bugs in the Fallout 3 and New Vegas GECKs.
- Links in the help menu point to this continually maintained wiki
- Enables level 2 LOD generation for large worldspaces
- Increases scriptlet window sizes in the Dialogue and Quest Stage windows
- Script window font changed to monospace consolas font
- Fast exit
- Script size limit doubled
- Big Guns skill re-enabled in all windows
- Increased frame rate in render and preview windows
- 512x512 landscape LOD diffuse and normal generation option
- ESMs can be enabled as active file
- ESPs can be masters
- 1220 warning and error messages re-enabled
- Console log window restored
- Double clicking formids in Console window to open
- Some warning and error messages more verbose
- Script editor warnings re-enabled
- Menu added to control some additional features
- Enable/Disable spell checker
- Saves EditorWarning.log
- Improved plugin loading speed
- UI Speed improvements
- Ignore NAM files option
- Allow placing navmesh vertices on top of navmeshes
- Search and Replace window stays open option
- Use libdeflate instead of zlib option
- sArchiveList buffer increased to 1024 bytes
- Increased fly cam mouse accuracy in render window
- Smoother fly cam
- Added more detailed warning when clicking Recompile All
- Log window size and position saved in ini
- Option for log window font
- Option to play a sound when loading is completed
- Option to swap C and Y keys
- Option to show Load Files menu at startup
- Option to prevent Preview windows from taking focus when hovered over
- Option to suppress LOD Meshes warnings
- Option to suppress "DirectSoundCaptureCreate Error: No sound driver is available for use" popup
- Hold shift or alt to scale flycam movement speed
- Hold shift or alt to scale zooming, panning and reference movement speeds in render window
- Save and restore render window position/rotation per session
- Option to suppress version control prompt
- Optional time of day slider in main toolbar
- Add space/ctrl keys to move up/down in flycam mode with up/down relative to the camera or world
- Option to automatically load files at startup
- Option to allow render window to load/not load cells at borders
- Hotkeys to exit flycam mode
- Custom buttons for Interior Water, Cell loading, Portals and Rooms
- Option to not perform UI Speedups
- Option to toggle visibility of unedited forms in object window
- Print formid of 'BAD' forms encountered when loading to log windows
- Option to allow editing of land on the edges of uGrids
- Option to skip lip generation for forms not in the active plugin
- Added continue option when multiple masters are selected by bAllowMultipleMasterLoads is 0
- Disabled recompile all button (STOP USING IT!)
- Increase max landscape edit settings texture icon size to 4096
- Add navmesh find cover confirmation prompt
- Scale ref rotation speed with shift/alt
- Added crash save functionality (incompatible with NVAC)
- Added playback speed scrollbar to the preview window
- Save background color and land height between sessions for the preview window
- Added optional warning when saving a script if you changed it's type
- Set formid column width to be visible
- Use 4 decimal places for preferences windows to avoid truncation
- Placing random object from object palette when capslock is held
- Allow resizing form list window
- Allow resizing the object palette window
- Option to use double precision when rotating refs with Snap To Grid enabled
- Optional button to Launch Game
- Allow use report window resizing
- Option to only export edited FaceGen/BodyMod textures when using Export Face Gen Textures from character menu
- Enabled editing of author and summary in active ESMs
- Increased default size of form list window
- Increased default size of use info window
- Increased default size of plugin load selection window
- Increased default size of region editor window
- All windows edited to fix bugs and enhance usability (done by patcher)
- Option to disable the mirroring of textures in ram to reduce memory use
Bug Fixes
- Window handle limit
- File handle limit increased to 2048 from 512
- bUseMultibounds=0 crashes in worldspaces with multibounds
- Crashing with Rock-It Launcher
- Windows 8.1/10 collapsed condition bug
- Fixed arrow keys in dialogue window making the window become unfocused
- Flycam movement no longer tied to framrate
- "Unable to find variable" string overflow crash in dialogue editor
- Switching from orthagonal to perspective mode no longer applies a shader to the viewport
- Broken textures pane that caused a crash in the scene info window
- Crash when selecting "repeat fire" in a Use Weapon package
- L now toggles light radius as it's supposed to
- Crash in render window with embedded sound forms
- Crash when sorting by model path
- Infinite loop fixed if plugin is locked or read-only
- "NONE" wasn't being added to the response window combo boxes
- Crash when double clicking an empty area in a form list
- Crash when double clicking a form list
- Light merker visibility setting when reloading a cell is no longer ignored
- Loading of skill icon in in actor values
- Loading of landscape textures in landscape object list
- Loading of class image (unused in Fallout, but what the heck) in object list
- Loading of eyes texture in object list
- Loading of hair texture in object list
- Loading of loading screens in object list
- Loading of SpeedTree texture in object list
- Loading of worldspace maps in worldspace window