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A function added by the ShowOff NVSE Plugin.


Returns a bitmask containing which equip slots are currently occupied. Note that certain items can occupy multiple equip slots. Non-playable items are checked. If called from console, will display the return value in hexadecimal format.


(equippedItemsMask:int) actorRefr.GetEquippedItemsAsBitMask 


(equippedItemsMask:int) actorRefr.GetOccupiedEquipSlots


if Player.GetEquippedItemsAsBitMask == 12

Checks if the player has both something equipped for the Upper Body and the Left Hand equip slots (and nowhere else!).

if eval player.GetEquippedItemsAsBitMask & (1 << 5)

Checks if the player has a weapon equipped. Equivalent to the following:

if eval player.GetEquippedItemsAsBitMask & 32 


  • The equip slot flags are:
Equip Slot Flag Flag Value Bit
Head 1 0
Hair 2 1
Upper Body 4 2
Left Hand 8 3
Right Hand 16 4
Weapon 32 5
PipBoy 64 6
Backpack 128 7
Necklace 256 8
Headband 512 9
Hat 1024 10
Eyeglasses 2048 11
Nosering 4096 12
Earrings 8192 13
Mask 16384 14
Choker 32768 15
MouthObject 65536 16
BodyAddon1 131072 17
BodyAddon2 262144 18
BodyAddon3 524288 19

See Also