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A function added by the ShowOff NVSE Plugin version 1.80.


Draws VATS-like flickering highlight over the calling reference. Unlike HighlightAdditionalReference, this can be called from scripts directly.

Also unlike HighlightAdditionalReference, this function checks if the target is invisible and the player can't detect them via Improved Detection Perk Entry Point, unless checkInvisibility is set to 0.

There is also an option to prevent setting a flashing ref by setting setFlashing to 0. This is useful for highlighting multiple references and not having any be flashing more than any other.

This function is session-persistent.

Multiple actors can be highlighted this way, unlike with HighlightBodyPart.

The last actor to be highlighted will be flashing..

This function can only be used in a script, not as a Condition.


(success:1/0) reference.HighlightAdditionalReferenceAlt checkInvisibility:1/0{1} setFlashing:1/0{1} 

See Also