INI Settings

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This is an introduction to INI files and a full list of INI properties used and unused by Fallout: New Vegas in the same order as they are shown in the respective default files. The 2 INI files the game uses are Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini. If these are not present in Documents\My Games\FalloutNV they will be generated and populated by FalloutNVLauncher.exe upon launch.

Types of properties used

All properties start with a letter indicating the type of value you can enter as valid.

Abbreviation Meaning
b Boolean
s String
i Integer
u Unsigned Integer
f Floating-point Number


If the user has JIP LN NVSE installed, the game will be able to read a third INI file in the same location as the others, named FalloutCustom.ini, akin to the same type of INI present in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. This type of INI is supposed to be populated by the user with pre-existing properties from the other 2 INI's and with values of their choosing, these will take priority over the original properties and allow INI editing while keeping defaults intact.

Example of how FalloutCustom is used:

Fallout.ini FalloutCustom.ini Used by the game
bFaceMipMaps=1 bFaceMipMaps=0 bFaceMipMaps=0

All properties in Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini

Name Category Default Value Notes
bPriorityWarning AnimationWarning 0
bClampWarning AnimationWarning 0
bInvalidateOlderFiles Archive 1
SInvalidationFile Archive
iRetainFilenameOffsetTable Archive 1
iRetainFilenameStringTable Archive 1
iRetainDirectoryStringTable Archive 1
bCheckRuntimeCollisions Archive 0
SArchiveList Archive Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Meshes2.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
bUseArchives Archive 1
fFilterdBAttenuation Audio 44692
fFilterPEQGain Audio -15
fFilterDistortionGain Audio -7.5
iVoiceDecodeBufferSize Audio 32768
iMaxFX Audio 128
bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC Audio 0
iAudioHWThread Audio 2
iMaxSizeForCachedSound Audio 256
iAudioCacheSize Audio 2048
bEnableAudioCache Audio 1
iAttenuationDialogMenuMute Audio 3000
iAttenuationEffectiveSilence Audio 9000
fDialogueFadeSecondsOut Audio 1
fDialogueFadeSecondsIn Audio 2
fDialogueFadeDecibels Audio 6
fMasterVolumeMult Audio 44621
fAudioDebugDelay Audio 0
bUseAudioDebugInformation Audio 1
bMultiThreadAudio Audio 0
fNightTime Audio 20
fDuskTime Audio 18
fDayTime Audio 8
fDawnTime Audio 5
fDialogMaxDistance Audio 2000
fDialogMinDistance Audio 600
bEnableAudio Audio 1
fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D Audio 2
fDialogHitSoundCooldownMax Audio 4
fDialogHitSoundCooldownMin Audio 2
fHardLandingDamageThreshold Audio 500
iMaxImpactSoundCount Audio 32
fMaxFootstepDistance Audio 1100
fPlayerFootVolume Audio 0.65
fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold Audio 60
fLargeWeaponSpeedMax Audio 0.95
fMediumWeaponSpeedMax Audio 44562
fLargeWeaponWeightMin Audio 25
fMediumWeaponWeightMin Audio 8
fGlassLargeMassMin Audio 25
fGlassMediumMassMin Audio 8
fMetalLargeMassMin Audio 25
fMetalMediumMassMin Audio 8
fChainLargeMassMin Audio 30
fChainMediumMassMin Audio 5
fSkinLargeMassMin Audio 30
fSkinMediumMassMin Audio 5
fEarthLargeMassMin Audio 30
fEarthMediumMassMin Audio 5
fStoneLargeMassMin Audio 30
fStoneMediumMassMin Audio 5
fWoodLargeMassMin Audio 15
fWoodMediumMassMin Audio 7
iCollisionSoundTimeDelta Audio 150
fCreatureRadioMax Audio 2000
fCreatureRadioMin Audio 200
fRadioDialogMute Audio 0.5
fRadioStaticAtOuterRadiusPct Audio 0.1
iRadioStationTimeout Audio 1000
iRadioUpdateInterval Audio 250
iMusicSynchOverride Audio 0
iMusicTransitionInMS Audio 1000
fRegionLoopFadeOutTime Audio 5
fRegionLoopFadeInTime Audio 5
fASFadeStartTime Audio 2
fASFadeOutTime Audio 10
fASFadeInTime Audio 2
fMainMenuMusicVolume Audio 0.6
fMinSoundVel Audio 10
fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration Audio 2
fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration Audio 2
fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration Audio 2
fDefaultRadioVolume Audio 0.5
fDefaultMusicVolume Audio 0
fDefaultEffectsVolume Audio 1
fDefaultVoiceVolume Audio 0.6
fDefaultFootVolume Audio 0.5
fDefaultMasterVolume Audio 1
iPostProcessTaskWarningMilliseconds BackgroundLoad 20
iPostProcessMillisecondsEditor BackgroundLoad 50
iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority BackgroundLoad 20
iPostProcessMilliseconds BackgroundLoad 5
bBackgroundLoadLipFiles BackgroundLoad 0
bUseBackgroundFileLoader BackgroundLoad 0
bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen BackgroundLoad 1
iAnimationClonePerLoop BackgroundLoad 5
bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel BackgroundLoad 0
bUseMultiThreadedTrees BackgroundLoad 1
fQuadraticRadiusMult bLightAttenuation 1
fLinearRadiusMult bLightAttenuation 1
bOutQuadInLin bLightAttenuation 0
fConstantValue bLightAttenuation 0
fQuadraticValue bLightAttenuation 16
fLinearValue bLightAttenuation 3
uQuadraticMethod bLightAttenuation 2
uLinearMethod bLightAttenuation 1
fFlickerMovement bLightAttenuation 8
bUseQuadratic bLightAttenuation 1
bUseLinear bLightAttenuation 0
bUseConstant bLightAttenuation 0
fSunlightDimmer BlurShader 1
fSIEmmisiveMult BlurShader 1
fSkyBrightness BlurShader 0.5
fSunBrightness BlurShader 0
fAlphaAddExterior BlurShader 0.2
fAlphaAddInterior BlurShader 0.7
iBlurTexSize BlurShader 256
fBlurRadius BlurShader 0.03
iNumBlurpasses BlurShader 1
iBlendType BlurShader 2
fGrassDimmer BlurShaderHDR 44682
fTreeDimmer BlurShaderHDR 1
fEmissiveHDRMult BlurShaderHDR 1
fSunlightDimmer BlurShaderHDR 44682
fSIEmmisiveMult BlurShaderHDR 1
fSkyBrightness BlurShaderHDR 0.5
fSunBrightness BlurShaderHDR 0
fBrightScale BlurShaderHDR 45689
fBrightClamp BlurShaderHDR 0.225
fBlurRadius BlurShaderHDR 7
iNumBlurpasses BlurShaderHDR 1
iBlendType BlurShaderHDR 2
bDoHighDynamicRange BlurShaderHDR 1
fTargetLUM BlurShaderHDRInterior 1
fUpperLUMClamp BlurShaderHDRInterior 1
fEmissiveHDRMult BlurShaderHDRInterior 1
fEyeAdaptSpeed BlurShaderHDRInterior 0.5
fBrightScale BlurShaderHDRInterior 45689
fBrightClamp BlurShaderHDRInterior 0.225
fBlurRadius BlurShaderHDRInterior 7
iNumBlurpasses BlurShaderHDRInterior 1
bPrimitivesOn bPrimitivesOn 0
bIncludeWaterInMNumberCalculations BudgetCaps 1
uCityLODBudgetAdjustment BudgetCaps 5242880
fMsHavokTriCount BudgetCaps 0.001
fMsLightCount BudgetCaps 0.01
fMsLightExcessGeometry BudgetCaps 0.01
fMsTriangleCount BudgetCaps 0.0001
fMsEmittersCount BudgetCaps 0.01
fMsParticlesCount BudgetCaps 0.001
fMsAnimatedObjectsCount BudgetCaps 0.05
fMsActiveRefCount BudgetCaps 0.05
uHavokTriCountInterior BudgetCaps 5000
uDecalCountInterior BudgetCaps 500
uLightExcessGeometryInterior BudgetCaps 5
uLightCountInterior BudgetCaps 10
uWaterMemoryInterior BudgetCaps 10485760
uTextureMemoryInterior BudgetCaps 104857600
uGeometryMemoryInterior BudgetCaps 10485760
uWaterCountInterior BudgetCaps 10
uTriangleCountInterior BudgetCaps 100000
uGeometryCountInterior BudgetCaps 1000
uEmittersCountInterior BudgetCaps 50
uParticlesCountInterior BudgetCaps 5000
uAnimatedObjectsCountInterior BudgetCaps 50
uActiveRefCountInterior BudgetCaps 100
uActorRefCountInterior BudgetCaps 20
uRefCountInterior BudgetCaps 1000
uHavokTriCount BudgetCaps 5000
uLightExcessGeometry BudgetCaps 100
uLightCount BudgetCaps 10
uTriangleCount BudgetCaps 100000
uEmittersCount BudgetCaps 50
uParticlesCount BudgetCaps 5000
uAnimatedObjectsCount BudgetCaps 50
uActiveRefCount BudgetCaps 100
iTake CameraPath 0
SDirectoryName CameraPath
iFPS CameraPath 60
SNif CameraPath Test\CameraPath.nif
bVATSProjectileDebug Combat 0
fProjectileDebugDuration Combat 5
bProjectileDebug Combat 0
fDebugCombatProjectileLOSTime Combat 5
bDebugCombatProjectileLOS Combat 0
fDebugCombatTextSize Combat 0.5
fLowPerfNPCTargetLOSTimer Combat 1
fHiPerfNPCTargetLOSTimer Combat 0.5
fLowPerfPCTargetLOSTimer Combat 0.5
fHiPerfPCTargetLOSTimer Combat 0.25
iMaxHiPerfNPCTargetCount Combat 4
iMaxHiPerfPCTargetCount Combat 4
bDebugCombatDetectionEvents Combat 0
bDisableCombatGroupStrategies Combat 1
bEncounterZoneTargetRestrict Combat 1
bDisableCombatDialogue Combat 0
bDebugCombatCoverReservationsText Combat 0
bDebugCombatCoverReservations Combat 0
bDebugCombatUnreachableLocations Combat 0
bDebugCombatGuardRadius Combat 0
fIronSightsZoomDefault Combat 50
bIronSightsZoomEnable Combat 1
fAimChaseLookingMult Combat 3
fAimDownDegrees Combat 90
fAimUpDegrees Combat 90
bDisableNPCAttacks Combat 0
bPlayHitLocationIdles Combat 1
iMaxHiPerfCombatCount Combat 4
fMinBloodDamage Combat 1
fHitVectorDelay Combat 0.4
iShowHitVector Combat 0
bDismemberOneLimb Combat 0
bVatsAlwaysHit Combat 0
bAimSights Combat 0
bLaserSights Combat 0
iLanguage Controls 0
bUse Joystick Controls 1
iXenonVertLookAccel Controls 2
iXenonHorizLookAccel Controls 2
fXenonMinLookSpeed Controls 0.05
fForwardBias Controls 44743
fJoystickLookLRMult Controls 0.02
fJoystickLookUDMult Controls 0.02
fJoystickMoveLRMult Controls 1
fJoystickMoveFBMult Controls 1
iJoystickLookLeftRight Controls 3
iJoystickLookUpDown Controls 6
iJoystickMoveLeftRight Controls 1
iJoystickMoveFrontBack Controls 2
fMinAnalogRunSpeed Controls 0.7
fMinAnalogWalkSpeed Controls 0.1
fXenonMenuStickSpeedPlayerRotMod Controls 3000
fXenonMenuStickSpeedMaxMod Controls 5
fXenonMenuStickSpeed Controls 300
iXenonMenuStickDeadZone Controls 20000
fXenonHorizLookSpeed Controls 1500
fMouseSensitivity Controls 0.002
SCopyProtectionMessage2 CopyProtectionStrings Insert the Fallout Disc.
SCopyProtectionTitle2 CopyProtectionStrings Fallout Disc Not Found
SCopyProtectionMessage CopyProtectionStrings Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
SCopyProtectionTitle CopyProtectionStrings CD-ROM Drive Not Found
bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection Debug 0
bDebugFaceGenMultithreading Debug 0
bSkinnedDecals Decals 1
bDecalMultithreaded Decals 0
bDecalOcclusionQuery Decals 1
bProfileDecals Decals 0
uMaxSkinDecalPerActor Decals 3
uMaxSkinDecals Decals 24
fPassOutTime DEFAULT 44593
fHighRot DEFAULT 0.005
fHighTrans DEFAULT 0.07
sPonyTail DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sQuiver DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sShield DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sTail DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sRThigh DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sLThigh DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sSpine2 DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
sSpine1 DEFAULT 1.0, 1.0
iAutoViewMinDistance Display 2000
iAutoViewHiFrameRate Display 40
iAutoViewLowFrameRate Display 20
bAutoViewDistance Display 0
fPipboy1stPersonFOV Display 47
fDefault1stPersonFOV Display 55
fDefaultWorldFOV Display 75
fDefaultFOV Display 75
fNearDistance Display 5
fNoLODFarDistancePct Display 1
fNoLODFarDistanceMax Display 10240
fNoLODFarDistanceMin Display 100
bDoTestHDR Display 0
bImageSpaceEffects Display 1
bDo30VFog Display 1
SScreenShotBaseName Display ScreenShot
fScopeScissorAmount Display 0.3
bUseSunbeams Display 0
iDebugTextLeftRightOffset Display 10
iDebugTextTopBottomOffset Display 20
bShowMenuTextureUse Display 1
SDebugText Display VATS
fGammaMax Display 0.6
fGammaMin Display 44652
bDynamicWindowReflections Display 1
fShadowFadeTime Display 1
iPresentInterval Display 1
bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry Display 1
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 Display 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 Display 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 Display 0
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 Display 0
bUseFakeFullScreenMotionBlur Display 0
bUseResolvableDepth Display 1
bAllowPartialPrecision Display 1
bShadowsOnGrass Display 0
bActorSelfShadowing Display 0
fLandLOFadeSeconds Display 15
fLODNoiseMipBias Display 0
bLODNoiseAniso Display 1
bMTRendering Display 0
fSkinnedDecalLOD2 Display 800
fSkinnedDecalLOD1 Display 500
fSkinnedDecalLOD0 Display 300
fDecalLOD0 Display 800
fEyeEnvMapLOD2 Display 800
fEyeEnvMapLOD1 Display 500
fEnvMapLOD2 Display 1800
fEnvMapLOD1 Display 1500
fSpecularLODMaxStartFade Display 2000
fSpecularLODMinStartFade Display 200
fSpecularLODRange Display 300
fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade Display 500
fShadowLODMaxStartFade Display 1000
fShadowLODMinStartFade Display 100
fShadowLODRange Display 200
fShadowLODDefaultStartFade Display 200
fLightLODMaxStartFade Display 3500
fLightLODMinStartFade Display 200
fLightLODRange Display 500
fLightLODDefaultStartFade Display 1000
bEquippedTorchesCastShadows Display 0
bReportBadTangentSpace Display 0
bStaticMenuBackground Display 1
bForcePow2Textures Display 0
bForce1XShaders Display 0
bAllow30Shaders Display 0
bAllow20HairShader Display 1
bAllowScreenShot Display 1
bDoTallGrassEffect Display 1
bForceMultiPass Display 1
bDoStaticAndArchShadows Display 0
bDoActorShadows Display 1
bDoTexturePass Display 1
bDoSpecularPass Display 1
bDoDiffusePass Display 1
bDoAmbientPass Display 1
bDoCanopyShadowPass Display 1
bUseRefractionShader Display 1
bUse Shaders Display 1
iNPatchNOrder Display 0
iNPatchPOrder Display 0
iNPatches Display 0
iLocation Y Display 0
iLocation X Display 0
bIgnoreResolutionCheck Display 0
fDecalLifetime Display 10
iScreenShotIndex Display 0
fGamma Display 1
iMaxAnisotropy Display 15
bEnableEyefinity Display 0
SD3DDevice Display Your GPU
iShadowFilter Display 2
iShadowMapResolution Display 1024
iActorShadowCountInt Display 6
iActorShadowCountExt Display 6
fDecalLOD2 Display 1500
fDecalLOD1 Display 1000
fSpecularLODStartFade Display 560
fShadowLODStartFade Display 220
fLightLODStartFade Display 1080
iTexMipMapMinimum Display 0
iTexMipMapSkip Display 0
bTransparencyMultisampling Display 1
iWaterMultiSamples Display 4
iMultiSample Display 4 Antialising
iShadowMode Display 3
bDrawShadows Display 1
bFull Screen Display 0
iSize H Display 720
iSize W Display 1280
iAdapter Display 0
iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame Display 3
iMaxDecalsPerFrame Display 10
iDistantLODGroupWidth DistantLOD 8
fAvoidanceAvoidNodeCost fAvoidanceAvoidNodeCost 2
fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance 1000
SFontFile_8 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt
SFontFile_7 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Baked-in_Monofonto_Large.fnt
SFontFile_6 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_VL_dialogs.fnt
SFontFile_5 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt
SFontFile_4 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_VeryLarge02_Dialogs2.fnt
SFontFile_3 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt
SFontFile_2 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_Large.fnt
SFontFile_1 Fonts Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt
bRigidBodyController FootIK 1
fMaxFootCastMilliSec FootIK 0.6
iNumFramesFootEaseOut FootIK 30
fVertErrorGain FootIK 0.5
fPelvisOffsetDamping FootIK 0.2
fPelvisUpDownBias FootIK 0.75
fOriginalGroundHeightMS FootIK -0.11
fFootPlantedGain FootIK 1
fFootRaisedGain FootIK 0.9
fGroundDescendingGain FootIK 0.4
fGroundAscendingGain FootIK 0.4
fOnOffGain FootIK 0.5
fWeaponInteriorFarAttenuationMod fWeaponInteriorFarAttenuationMod 0.75
fWeaponInteriorFarVolumeMod fWeaponInteriorFarVolumeMod 0.1
fWeaponInteriorNearAttenuationMod fWeaponInteriorNearAttenuationMod 3
fWeaponInteriorNearVolumeMod fWeaponInteriorNearVolumeMod 1
iActorsDismemberedPerFrame GamePlay 2
bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving GamePlay 0
bEssentialTakeNoDamage GamePlay 1
bHealthBarShowing GamePlay 0
bSetDemigodMode GamePlay 0
fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime GamePlay 0.5
fHealthBarEmittanceTime GamePlay 44682
fHealthBarHeight GamePlay 4
fHealthBarWidth GamePlay 40
iDetectionPicks GamePlay 21
iDifficulty GamePlay 2
iKillCamera GamePlay 0
uiRedeemedContent GamePlay 0
bTrueIronSights GamePlay 1
bDisableDynamicCrosshair GamePlay 0
bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch GamePlay 1
bSaveOnWait GamePlay 1
bCrossHair GamePlay 1
bGeneralSubtitles GamePlay 0
bDialogueSubtitles GamePlay 1
iIntroSequencePriority General 3
iPreloadSizeLimit General 26214400 Do not edit, only affects the binkw32 playback buffer
iHWThread6 General 5
iHWThread5 General 5
iHWThread4 General 5
iHWThread3 General 4
iHWThread2 General 4
iHWThread1 General 4
iRenderingThread2HWThread General 1
iRenderingThread1HWThread General 0
fLODActorAvoidanceDistance General 500
bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates General 1
bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess General 1
bDisableAutoVanityMode General 0
bBorderRegionsEnabled General 1
iHoursToSleep General 3
fZoom3rdPersonSnapDist General 50
bRunActorMovementDuringRendering General 1
bRunDetectionDuringRendering General 1
iAIThread2HWThread General 4
iAIThread1HWThread General 3
bActorLookWithHavok General 0
bDisableAllGore General 0
iNumBitsForFullySeen General 248
fDegradeTexturesDistance General 2500
fUpgradeTexturesDistance General 1500
bUseHardDriveCache General 0
bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion General 1
bDisplayBoundingVolumes General 0
bUseThreadedParticleSystem General 0
bChangeTimeMultSlowly General 1
iFPSClamp General 0
SStartingCellY General
SStartingCellX General
SStartingWorld General
bUseMyGamesDirectory General 1
SStartingCell General
STestFile10 General
STestFile9 General
STestFile8 General
STestFile7 General
STestFile6 General
STestFile5 General
STestFile4 General
STestFile3 General
STestFile2 General FalloutNV_lang.esp
STestFile1 General FalloutNV.esm Used to force load FalloutNV.esm
SUnessentialFileCacheList General Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3
SEssentialFileCacheList General Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsa
bAlwaysActive General 1
SIntroMovie General Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik
SMainMenuMovieIntro General Do not set to 0, it will display a pink screen on startup (BethINI error)
bRenderLocalMapContinually General 0
bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles General 0
uiEGTClampSize General 30
uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize General 67108864
uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize General 67108864
bUseEyeEnvMapping General 1
bFixFaceNormals General 0
bFaceMipMaps General 1
bFaceGenTexturing General 1
bActivateAllQuestScripts General 0
bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit General 0
bExternalLODDataFiles General 1
bUseMultibounds General 1
bTintMipMaps General 0
uGridsToLoad General 5 Do not edit
fAnimationDefaultBlend General 0.2
fAnimationMult General 1
bUseOptimizedTextureLoading General 1
bWarnOnMissingFileEntry General 0
bFixAIPackagesOnLoad General 0
bAnimateDoorPhysics General 0
bKeepPluginWhenMerging General 0
bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck General 1
bQueueWarnings General 0
bCheckPurgedTextureList General 0
bShowLoadingAreaMessage General 0
iNumHWThreads General 2 Can cause issues if higher than 2
uExterior Cell Buffer General 36 Do not edit
uInterior Cell Buffer General 3 Do not edit
bPreemptivelyUnloadCells General 0 Safe to enable
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning GeneralWarnings One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
SMasterMismatchWarning GeneralWarnings One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
fBlurAmmount GethitShader 0.5
fBlockedTexOffset GethitShader 0.001
fHitTexOffset GethitShader 0.005
fDriveGain GrabIK 0.25
fGrassWindMagnitudeMax Grass 125
fGrassWindMagnitudeMin Grass 5
iMinGrassSize Grass 80
fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance Grass 3500
fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance Grass 7000 Max value is 7000
fGrassMinStartFadeDistance Grass 0
bGrassPointLighting Grass 0
iGrassDensityEvalSize Grass 2
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure Grass 2
fGrassStartFadeDistance Grass 3733.33
fHackingMinSkillVeryHard Hacking 100
fHackingMinSkillHard Hacking 75
fHackingMinSkillAverage Hacking 50
fHackingMinSkillEasy Hacking 25
fHackingMinSkillVeryEasy Hacking 0
iNumThreads HAVOK 1
fCharControllerWarpDistSqr HAVOK 6000000
bFindContactPointsOnAdd HAVOK 1
fMaxTime HAVOK 0.0137652
iMinNumSubSteps HAVOK 8
fTimePerSubStep HAVOK 0.008
bDisablePlayerCollision HAVOK 0
fCameraCasterPlayerSize HAVOK 1
fCameraCasterSize HAVOK 10
iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST HAVOK 0
fQuadrupedPitchMult HAVOK 1
fJumpAnimDelay HAVOK 0.75
iSimType HAVOK 1
fCameraCasterFadeSittingRadius HAVOK 45
iEntityBatchRemoveRate HAVOK 100
fMaxPickTimeDebugVATS HAVOK 0.6
fMaxPickTimeDebug HAVOK 0.06
fMaxPickTimeVATS HAVOK 0.04
fMaxPickTime HAVOK 0.004
bAddBipedWhenKeyframed HAVOK 1
fMoveLimitMass HAVOK 95
iUpdateType HAVOK 0
fUpdateDelayNewTargetSecondsMax HeadTracking 10
fUpdateDelayNewTargetSecondsMin HeadTracking 6
fUpdateDelaySecondsMax HeadTracking 44682
fUpdateDelaySecondsMin HeadTracking 1
iUpdateActorsPerFrame HeadTracking 1
bDisableHeadTracking HeadTracking 0
sSpine1 HIT 0.6, 0.8
sSpine2 HIT 0.5, 0.7
sHitStart HIT Bip01 Spine1
sHitSpot HIT Bip01 Spine2
fBFMin HIT 0
fHFMin HIT 0
fMinHeirGain HIT 0.3
fMinVelGain HIT 0.95
fKnockDownTime HIT 0.25
fGetUpTime HIT 1
iConcentricLengthMaxAverage None 200
iConcentricLengthMaxEasy None 200
iConcentricLengthMaxHard None 200
iConcentricLengthMaxVeryEasy None 200
iConcentricLengthMaxVeryHard None 200
iConcentricLengthMinAverage None 200
iConcentricLengthMinEasy None 200
iConcentricLengthMinHard None 200
iConcentricLengthMinVeryEasy None 200
iConcentricLengthMinVeryHard None 200
iDetectionHighNumPicks None 40
iLastHDRSetting None -1
iLowProcessingMilliseconds None 2
bDoMotionBlur Imagespace 1
bDoRadialBlur Imagespace 1
bDoDepthOfField Imagespace 1
iRadialBlurLevel Imagespace 2
fDlgHeadingDegStop Interface 0.2
fDlgHeadingDegStart Interface 13
fMenuBGBlurRadius Interface 2
fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax Interface 44684
fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin Interface -3.5
fRSMStartingZoom Interface 0.7
bHideUnavailablePerks Interface 0
iSafeZoneYWide Interface 15
iSafeZoneXWide Interface 15
iSafeZoneY Interface 15
iSafeZoneX Interface 15
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue Interface 0.8
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen Interface 0.8
fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed Interface 0.8
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue Interface 0.25
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen Interface 0.25
fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed Interface 0.25
fKeyRepeatTime Interface 500
bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick Interface 0
fActivatePickSphereRadius Interface 16
fMenuBackgroundOpacity Interface 0.76
fPopUpBackgroundOpacity Interface 0.87
iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo Interface 10
iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok Interface 10
iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy Interface 5
bUseFuzzyPicking Interface 1
fInterfaceTintB Interface 0.8824
fInterfaceTintG Interface 0.9843
fInterfaceTintR Interface 0.6314
fMenuModeAnimBlend Interface 0
fHudOpacity Interface 1
uPipboyColor Interface 4290134783
bDisable360Controller Interface 0
SScanlineTexture InterfaceFX Data\Textures\Pipboy3000\
iDistortMaxInterval InterfaceFX 4500
fDistortDuration InterfaceFX 500
fDistortHorizontalScale InterfaceFX 1
fDistortVerticalScale InterfaceFX 5
fDefaultScanlineFrequency InterfaceFX 100
fDefaultBlurIntensity InterfaceFX 0.2
fDefaultBlurRadius InterfaceFX 0.3
fScreenLightRadius InterfaceFX 6
fScreenLightBaseIntensity InterfaceFX 0.6
fScreenLightVertHoldRate InterfaceFX 0.05
fScreenLightPulseModifier InterfaceFX 1
fScreenLightBurstModifier InterfaceFX 0.25
fPulseRadiusIntensity InterfaceFX 0.5
fPulseBrightenIntensity InterfaceFX 0.25
fDefaultShudderIntensity InterfaceFX 0.05
fDefaultShudderDuration InterfaceFX 250
fDefaultVertHoldDuration InterfaceFX 500
fMiniBurstIntensity InterfaceFX 44682
fMiniBurstDuration InterfaceFX 200
fDefaultBurstIntensity InterfaceFX 2
fDefaultBurstDuration InterfaceFX 200
fBlurIntensityMenus InterfaceFX 44682
fBlurRadiusMenus InterfaceFX 0.3
fScanlineFrequencyMenus InterfaceFX 0
fBlurIntensityHUD InterfaceFX 44593
fBlurRadiusHUD InterfaceFX 2
fScanlineFrequencyHUD InterfaceFX 0
fHUDShudderDefaultIntensity InterfaceFX 0.1
fHUDShudderDefaultDuration InterfaceFX 500
bUseOptimizedMenuRendering InterfaceFX 0
fMenuPackerBufferSize InterfaceFX 20
iSweetSpotLengthMaxAverage None 100
iSweetSpotLengthMaxEasy None 200
iSweetSpotLengthMaxHard None 50
iSweetSpotLengthMaxVeryEasy None 400
iSweetSpotLengthMaxVeryHard None 25
iSweetSpotLengthMinAverage None 100
iSweetSpotLengthMinEasy None 200
iSweetSpotLengthMinHard None 50
iSweetSpotLengthMinVeryEasy None 400
iSweetSpotLengthMinVeryHard None 25
fLandFriction Landscape 44683
SDefaultLandDiffuseTexture Landscape
iLandBorder2B Landscape 0
iLandBorder2G Landscape 0
iLandBorder2R Landscape 0
iLandBorder1B Landscape 0
iLandBorder1G Landscape 255
iLandBorder1R Landscape 255
fLandTextureTilingMult Landscape 2
SThumbstick LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_DirtyDisc LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_DiscEject LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_SaveDataInsufficientSpace LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_SaveDataCreateNew LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_GameDataCorrupt LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_GameDataInsufficientSpace LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_AutoSaveWarning LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SSysUtil_Retry LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
SFailureMessage LANGUAGE No Default string. Must be loaded from INIFile
iNumLocationSpecificScreens Loading 1
fLoadingInitUpdateInterval Loading 3
fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval Loading 10
fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval Loading 10
fLoadingTextUpdateInterval Loading 10
iMaxScreens_MainMenu Loading 20
iMaxScreens Loading 4
SInitialSound Loading fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav
STitleMusic Loading MainTitle
SMainMenuBackground Loading main_background
SWelcomeScreen4 Loading loading_screen01
SWelcomeScreen3 Loading loading_screen_BGS
SWelcomeScreen2 Loading loading_screen_bethsoft
SWelcomeScreen1 Loading loading_screen_legal
iFadeNodeMinNearDistance LOD 500
fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior LOD 1
fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior LOD 1
fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior LOD 1
fLODFadeOutActorMultCity LOD 1
fLODFadeOutItemMultCity LOD 1
fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity LOD 1
bDisplayLODLand LOD 1
fLODLandVerticalBias LOD 0
fActorLODMin LOD 2
fItemLODMin LOD 1
fObjectLODMin LOD 1
fTalkingDistance LOD 1000
fLodDistance LOD 500
fFadeOutTime LOD 2
fFadeInTime LOD 44593
fDistanceMultiplier LOD 1
fLODBoundRadiusMult LOD 10
fMinTrackingDist LookIK 12
fMaxTrackingDist LookIK 1500
fQuestScriptDelayTime MAIN 5
iDebugTextFont Menu 3
fCreditsScrollSpeed Menu 40
iConsoleLineSpacing Menu 35
iConsoleTextYPos Menu 940
iConsoleTextXPos Menu 30
iConsoleFont Menu 2
iConsoleVisibleLines Menu 20
iConsoleHistorySize Menu 50
bSkipInitializationFlows MESSAGES 1
bSkipProgramFlows MESSAGES 1
bUseWindowsMessageBox MESSAGES 0
iFileLogging MESSAGES 0
bGlobalNavMeshCheck NavMeshGeneration 0
bXenonLoadDownloadedContent Online 1
uXenonPresenceUpdateInterval Online 600000
fRotationSpeedIncrease Pathfinding 0.436332
fCreatureCombatTurnSpeedScale Pathfinding 45658
fCreatureTurnSpeedScale Pathfinding 45658
fAICombatTurnSpeedScale Pathfinding 44683
fAITurnSpeedScale Pathfinding 44682
fAvoidanceAvoidAllRadius Pathfinding 100
fRepathingWaitDistance Pathfinding 20
fRunningWiderConeAngle Pathfinding 30
fAvoidanceWiderConeAngle Pathfinding 60
fAvoidanceConeAngle Pathfinding 45
fAvoidanceDetectionTime Pathfinding 0.5
fAvoidanceTimeCheck Pathfinding 0.75
fAvoidanceIgnoreMinTime Pathfinding 44683
fAvoidanceIgnoreTime Pathfinding 5
fAvoidanceMinWaitTime Pathfinding 0.25
fAvoidanceDefaultWaitTime Pathfinding 5
bUseFartherCheckForAvoidance Pathfinding 0
bUseActorAvoidance Pathfinding 1
bDrawPathBounds Pathfinding 0
bBackgroundPathing Pathfinding 1
bUseAlternateSmoothingForPrime Pathfinding 1
bUseRayCasts Pathfinding 1
bUseOldPathSmoothing Pathfinding 0
bRebuildPathIfSmootherFailed Pathfinding 1
bCreateDebugInfo Pathfinding 0
bUsePathSmoothing Pathfinding 1
bUseObstacleAvoidance Pathfinding 1
bUseStraightLineCheckFirst Pathfinding 1
bCutDoors Pathfinding 1
fObstacleUpdateDeltaWhenUnknown Pathfinding 5
fObstacleUpdateDeltaWhenMoving Pathfinding 1
bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate Pathfinding 1
fPOVSmootherAvoidNodeCost Pathfinding 7
bSelectedPathDrawAvoidNodes Pathfinding 0
fINIDetectDoorsForPathingTime Pathing 0.5
fFindClosestEdgesRadius Pathing 512
fLightEffectLightFadeDuration Pipboy 500
fLightEffectFadeDuration Pipboy 800
fScrollKnobRate Pipboy 0.0015
fScrollKnobIncrement Pipboy -0.1
fTabKnobMaxPosition Pipboy 44682
fTabKnobMinPosition Pipboy -0.5
fTabKnobMoveRate Pipboy 0.0075
fBlurRadiusPipboy Pipboy 44684
fBlurIntensityPipboy Pipboy 0.25
fScanlineFrequencyPipboy Pipboy 100
bEnableFlickerPipboy Pipboy 1
bUsePipboyMode Pipboy 1
sSpine1 QUADHIT 1.0, 1.0
sSpine2 QUADHIT 1.0, 1.0
sLThigh QUADHIT 1.0, 1.0
sRThigh QUADHIT 1.0, 1.0
sHitStart QUADHIT Bip01 Head
sHitSpot QUADHIT Bip01 Head
fDetectionUpdateTimeSec RagdollAnim 5
fImpulseLimit RagdollAnim 1500
fDesiredVel RagdollAnim 15
fSnapMaxAngularDistance RagdollAnim 1
fSnapMaxLinearDistance RagdollAnim 0.3
fSnapMaxAngularVelocity RagdollAnim 0.3
fSnapMaxLinearVelocity RagdollAnim 3
fSnapGain RagdollAnim 0.1
fPositionMaxAngularVelocity RagdollAnim 18
fPositionMaxLinearVelocity RagdollAnim 14
fPositionGain RagdollAnim 0.05
fVelocityGain RagdollAnim 0.6
fAccelerationGain RagdollAnim 1
fVelocityDamping RagdollAnim 0
fHierarchyGain RagdollAnim 0.17
fCameraDist RagdollAnim 1000
bPoseMatching RagdollAnim 1
bRagdollFeedback RagdollAnim 0
bLookIK RagdollAnim 1
bGrabIK RagdollAnim 1
bFootIK RagdollAnim 1
bRagdollAnim RagdollAnim 1
uiFeedbackTimeout RagdollFeedback 1500
fRaceSexMenuDistortDuration RenderedMenus 50
fScreenLightColorB RenderedTerminal 0.62
fScreenLightColorG RenderedTerminal 0.74
fScreenLightColorR RenderedTerminal 0.68
fScreenLightRadius RenderedTerminal 80
fScreenLightBaseIntensity RenderedTerminal 44593
bUseRenderedTerminals RenderedTerminal 1
fRenderedTerminalFOV RenderedTerminal 0.15
fRenderedTerminalVPos RenderedTerminal 0.38
fRenderedTerminalHPos RenderedTerminal 0
fRenderedTerminalZoom RenderedTerminal 36
fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale RenderedTerminal 130
fRaceSexMenuScale RenderedTerminal 0.5
fRaceSexMenuZoom RenderedTerminal 70
fRaceSexMenuVPos RenderedTerminal -0.6
fRaceSexMenuHPos RenderedTerminal 0
bDisplayMissingContentDialogue SaveGame 1
bCopySaveGameToHostOrMemStick SaveGame 0
bAllowProfileTransfer SaveGame 0
iSaveGameBackupCount SaveGame 1
bAllowScriptedForceSave SaveGame 1
bAllowScriptedAutosave SaveGame 1
bUseSaveGameHistory SaveGame 0
fLODTreeMipMapLODBias SpeedTree -0.75
fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias SpeedTree -0.25
iCanopyShadowScale SpeedTree 512
fTreeForceMinBudAngle SpeedTree -1
fTreeForceLeafDimming SpeedTree -1
fTreeForceBranchDimming SpeedTree -1
fSurgerySkinVPos Surgery3D 0
fSurgerySkinHPos Surgery3D -4
fSurgerySkinZoom Surgery3D -75
fSurgerySkinScale Surgery3D 0.05
bKeepLowDetailTerrain TerrainManager 1
uTerrainTextureFadeTime TerrainManager 1000
fDetailTextureScale TerrainManager 3
fHighTreeLoadDistance TerrainManager 40000
fLowTreeLoadDistance TerrainManager 10000
fDefaultTreeLoadDistance TerrainManager 25000
fHighBlockLoadDistanceLow TerrainManager 50000
fLowBlockLoadDistanceLow TerrainManager 25000
fDefaultBlockLoadDistanceLow TerrainManager 50000
fMorphEndDistanceMult TerrainManager 0.65
fMorphStartDistanceMult TerrainManager 0.7
bUseDistantTrees TerrainManager 1
bUseDistantObjectBlocks TerrainManager 1
bUseNewTerrainSystem TerrainManager 1
uDistantTreeBlockCacheSizePerCell TerrainManager 1
fTreeLoadDistance TerrainManager 26000
fBlockLoadDistanceLow TerrainManager 50000
fBlockLoadDistance TerrainManager 125000
fSplitDistanceMult TerrainManager 44682
bFileControllerOnRoot TestAllCells 1
bFileShowTextures TestAllCells 1
bFileShowIcons TestAllCells 1
bFileSkipIconChecks TestAllCells 0
bFileUnusedObject TestAllCells 0
bFileTestLoad TestAllCells 0
bFileNeededMessage TestAllCells 1
bFileGoneMessage TestAllCells 1
bFileCheckModelCollision TestAllCells 0
bFileSkipModelChecks TestAllCells 0
fVatsLightColorB VATS 0.35
fVatsLightColorG VATS 0.35
fVatsLightColorR VATS 0.35
fVATSLightElevation VATS 100
fVATSLightDistance VATS 100
fVATSLightAngle VATS 0
fVATSLightLevelMax VATS 65
fVATSLightLevelMin VATS 20
SScanlineTexture VATS Data\Textures\Pipboy3000\
fPulseRadius VATS 0.05
fPulseIntensity VATS 0.3
fBurstIntensity VATS 5
fBurstDuration VATS 200
fScanModeScanlineFrequency VATS 150
fScanModeVerticalScale VATS 2
fScanModeDuration VATS 250
iDistortMaxInterval VATS 4500
fDistortDuration VATS 500
fDistortHorizontalScale VATS 1
fDistortVerticalScale VATS 5
fBlurIntensity VATS 0.5
fBlurRadius VATS 4
fScanlineFrequency VATS 125
SFileTypeLTF Voice ltf
SFileTypeLip Voice lip
SFileTypeSource Voice wav
SFileTypeGame Voice ogg
iWaterNoiseResolution Water 256
fRefractionWaterPlaneBias Water 3
uNearWaterPoints Water 8
uNearWaterRadius Water 1000
bUseBulletWaterDisplacements Water 1
fInteriorWaterReflectionThreshold Water 10
fExteriorWaterReflectionThreshold Water 300
uMaxInteriorWaterReflections Water 4
uMaxExteriorWaterReflections Water 2
fWaterGroupHeightRange Water 10
fWadingWaterTextureRes Water 512
fWadingWaterQuadSize Water 2048
bForceHighDetailLandReflections Water 0
bForceLowDetailReflections Water 0
bReflectExplosions Water 0
bUsePerWorldSpaceWaterNoise Water 1
bUseWaterHiRes Water 0
fTileTextureDivisor Water 27485
fSurfaceTileSize Water 2048
bUseWaterDisplacements Water 1
bForceHighDetailReflections Water 1
bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections Water 0
bUseWaterRefractions Water 1
iWaterBlurAmount Water 4
bUseWaterReflectionBlur Water 1
bUseWaterReflections Water 1
iWaterReflectHeight Water 1024
iWaterReflectWidth Water 1024
fSunGlareSize Weather 800
fSunBaseSize Weather 750
bPrecipitation Weather 1