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NiBillboardNode is a form of NiNode that orients itself and any attached child objects to face the camera. There are five different modes that determine the exact behavior.


  • ALWAYS_FACE_CAMERA: Tries to match the billboard's model-space z-vector to be oriented with the camera's view plane normal.
  • ROTATE_ABOUT_UP: The billboard is locked in an "up-right" position and will only rotate to face the camera; meant for flat images representing symmetrically round objects like poles.
  • RIGID_FACE_CAMERA: Locks a normal belonging to the billboard to always be parallel with the camera's direction vector, causing it to always face the camera. Can behave differently than ALWAYS_FACE_CAMERA.
  • ALWAYS_FACE_CENTER: Causes the model-space z-vector to point at the center of the camera.
  • RIGID_FACE_CENTER: Causes the model-space z-vector to point at the center of the camera while the orientation of the billboard is aligned to the camera's coordinate frame.