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NiPSysBombModifier is a modifier for particle systems that applies an explosive force to particles in proximity to a Bomb Object.

An example of a planar NiPSysBombModifier.

Its fields are:

  • Name: The name of the modifier.
  • Order: 4000 seems to be the only one used, it instructs the particle system to update forces from this modifier.
  • Target: The particle system you wish to affect.
  • Active: If the modifier is enabled. You can animate this value by specifying the name of the modifier as the Controller ID in a NiControllerSequence and using a NiPSysModifierActiveCtlr as a controller with a NiBoolTimelineInterpolator as the interpolator.
  • Bomb Object: A NiNode to center the blast effect around.
  • Bomb Axis: Specifies the local axis of the explosive force on the Bomb Object. SPHERICAL and PLANAR Symmetry Types use it as a direction vector. Seems to be limited to one axis per modifier, works on a float between 0 and 1.
  • Decay: Determines how the explosive force decays from distance from the Bomb Object. Only uses for linear and exponential Decay Types.
  • Delta V: Determines the velocity particles will receive from the explosion.
  • Decay Type: NONE means the force does not decay over distance, LINEAR means the force decays at a linear rate over distance, and EXPONENTIAL means the force will decay at an exponential rate over distance.
  • Symmetry Type: SPHERICAL applies force in a spherical area around the Bomb Object, CYLINDRICAL applies force perpendicularly to the direction of the Bomb Axis and rotation of the Bomb Object, but is centered at the position of the Bomb Object, and PLANAR applies force parallel to the direction specified by the Bomb Axis and the rotation of the Bomb Object.