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A function added by the SUP NVSE Plugin.


Changes scale of specified nif block from Start value to End Value.


(success:bool) NifBlockInterpolateScale block name:string Start Value:float End Value:float timer:float mode:int FirstPersonModel(Player only):int CalculateStartValue:int


Player.NifBlockInterpolateScale "Bip01 Head" 1 2 2 0 0 0

Will change scale "Bip01 Head" on third person PC model, from scale 1 to scale 2, from start to end in 2 seconds.

Player.NifBlockInterpolateScale "Bip01 Head" 1 2 2 1 1 0

Will change scale "Bip01 Head" on first person PC model, from scale 1 to scale 2, from start to end and to start again, each iteration taking 2 seconds.

Player.NifBlockInterpolateScale "Bip01 Head" 1 2 2 2 0 1

Will change scale "Bip01 Head" on third person PC model, from scale N to scale 2, Infinite amount of times,one iteration taking 2 seconds. Scale N will be calculated automatically, paramater #3 will be ignored.


See Also