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A function added by the Lutana NVSE plugin, now part of the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Event block type that calls the UDF when the when the player picks up (Control Code 27 ) the form or form in the formlist. Grabbed (ref) is passed to the UDF. Can be filtered with a form or formlist.


(grabbedRef:ref) SetEventHandler "OnPlayerGrab" myUDF:userDefinedFunction 

Example with no filtering

SetEventHandler "OnPlayerGrab" MyUDF

scn MyUDF

ref rGrabbedRef

begin function {rGrabbedRef}

end function

Example with filtering by a form

SetEventHandler "OnPlayerGrab" ""::someForm MyUDF

scn MyUDF

ref rGrabbedRef

begin function {rGrabbedRef}

end function

Example with filtering by formlist

SetEventHandler "OnPlayerGrab" ""::someFormList MyUDF

scn MyUDF

ref rGrabbedRef

begin function {rGrabbedRef}

end function 

See Also