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A function included in the GECK for Fallout 3.


Turns force sneak on or off.


actor.SetForceSneak forceRunFlag:int 


  • This bug only seems to occur if the script is not attached to the actor that it is affecting:
    If SetForceSneak 1 is called too soon after SetForceSneak 0, the calling ref will appear to not be sneaking, although IsSneaking and GetForceSneak will still return the correct values. The opposite occurs if SetForceSneak 0 is called too soon after SetForceSneak 1.
  • If SetForceSneak is set to 1 and used in conjunction with the FireWeapon function, then the character will stand when firing. This appears to be an apparent bug with animation groups not updating when using this function. If you wish to make a character shoot while sneaking, then it would be best to use a "Use Weapon" package.

See Also