A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.
Sets/removes the specified UDF Script as a handler that will be invoked in the event the player fast-travels to a Map Marker. When invoked, the script is passed with a single argument: the Marker reference traveled to, which may or may not be an actual Map Marker base object (hardcoded form ID 10).
SetOnFastTravelEventHandler handlerScript:ref setORremove:1/0
SetOnFastTravelEventHandler OnPCFastTravelUDF 1
Sets the OnPCFastTravelUDF script as a handler.
SetOnFastTravelEventHandler OnPCFastTravelUDF 0
Removes the OnPCFastTravelUDF script as a handler.
Handler Script
This skeleton handler script illustrates how to retrieve what would be the real Map Marker reference that the player clicked in the Pip-Boy map, in the event it has a linked marker where the player is set to appear:
scn OnPCFastTravelUDF ref rMapMarkerRef ref rMapMarkerReal array_var aMapMarkerLinks begin Function {rMapMarkerRef} if rMapMarkerRef.GetBaseObject != MapMarker ;the marker we get sent to is not the real marker from the Pip-Boy aMapMarkerLinks = rMapMarkerRef.GetLinkedChildren eval (ar_Size aMapMarkerLinks) > 0 && (rMapMarkerReal = aMapMarkerLinks[0]) ;assumes the first or only reference linked to this marker is the real map marker we traveled to. else rMapMarkerReal = rMapMarkerRef endif end