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A function added by the ShowOff NVSE Plugin version 1.30.


Returns an "array"-type array filled with the specified TopicInfo's Response strings.

Each element is a different part of the Response Text, which can be split up in the GECK to have different Emotion Types and Voice Lines.


(responseStrings:array) TopicInfoGetResponseStrings TopicInfo:form


array_var aResponseStrings
let aResponseStrings := TopicInfoGetResponseStrings E8911

With Improved Console (NVSE), this array is shown to contain:

0.00 >> "Not much to tell. A brahmin or two loaded up with weapons, and a whole mess of well-armed guards to make sure it ends up where it's supposed to."
1.00 >> "One nifty bit, though. The gun cases are rigged to explode. So trying to loot one of our caravans doesn't do much good. "
2.00 >> "And that's how the NCR stays equipped. The only thing we don't bring in is energy weapons."
Array Size >> 3

See Also