Topics Tab

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The Topics Tab of the Quest window holds all the dialogue between NPCs and the player -- dialogue that is spoken by the NPC from within the in-game dialogue menu.

Topics Tab Topics

  • GREETING: The default greeting an actor will use when spoken to.
  • InfoRefusal: Unused in Fallout.
  • PLAYERENTERSIRONSIGHTS: Used when the player enters iron sights.
  • PLAYERLEAVESIRONSIGHTS: Used when the player leaves iron sights.
  • SpeechChallengeFailure: This is what the actor says if the speech challenge fails.

There are a few special topics used to get actors responding to player actions:

  • PLAYERDESTROYOBJECT: Used for when the player destroys a reference that has destruction data near an actor.
  • PLAYERFIREWEAPON: Used when the player fires their weapon near an actor.
  • PLAYERIRONSITES: Used when the player has an actor in their iron sights.
  • PLAYERJUMP: Used for when the player jumps near an actor.
  • PLAYERKNOCKOVER: Used for when the player knocks over objects in an actors vicinity.
  • PLAYERLAYMINE: Used for when the player places a mine near an actor.
  • PLAYERLOCKEDOBJECT: Used for when the player mouses over an owned locked object near an actor.
  • PLAYERPICKPOCKET: Used when the player is sneaking near an actor.
  • PLAYERSTANDONFURNITURE: Used for when the player stands on furniture near an actor.
  • PLAYERSWINGMELEE: Used for when the player swings their melee near an actor.
  • PLAYERTHROWGRENADE: Used for when the player throws a grenade near an actor who isn't in a combat state.
  • PLAYERZKEYOBJECT: Used when the player picks up an object near an actor.