Weather Dialog
The Weather window can be opened from World/Climates, or from the Object window in the tree under World Objects.
On the left side of the dialog box is a list of all Weather EditorIDs defined for the loaded master file and any plug-in. To create a new Weather, right-click in the box and select "new" from the popup. To create a new Weather based off an existing Weather, right-click the Weather you wish to use as a basis and select "duplicate". To delete an existing Weather, right-click that Weather and select delete. To see what Climate(s) use the selected Weather, right-click the Weather and select Use Info.
To see the FormIDs for the Weathers hover over the right most separator bar and hold left-click and drag it to the right when the arrows appear.
The Weather data fields are broken up onto four different tabs: General, Precipitation, Sound and HDR.
General Tab
Choose Colors
- Type:
- Ambient - An underlying color for the scene.
- Cloud Layer - The color of the cloud layer.
- Clouds - Not Used.
- Fog - Fog color. This also adjusts the color of water reflections.
- Horizon - The color of the sky at the horizon.
- Sky (Lower/Upper) - The color of the sky at lower and upper levels.
- Horizon color blends into lower sky color and lower sky color blends into upper sky color.
- Stars - The color of the stars.
- Sun - The color of the sun disc.
- Sunlight - The color of the sunlight. This is the directional light color for the scene.
- Time:
- Day - The color of the specified component during the daytime.
- High Noon - The color of the specified component during high noon. (New Vegas Only)
- Midnight - The color of the specified component during midnight. (New Vegas Only)
- Night - The color of the specified component at nighttime.
- Sunrise - The color of the specified component at sunrise.
- Sunset - The color of the specified component at sunset.
- See Climate on how to define these times of day.
- Components
- Specify red, green, and blue components of this color by typing in the values you want or using the spinners.
- Use the "select color" button for a more graphical color selection interface.
- Use copy/paste buttons to duplicate colors from one type/time to another.
Fog Distances: Specify near and far clip planes for fog during different times of day. These also affect how water reflects the fog color.
- Near: The distance at which objects should begin to display fog effects.
- Far: The distance at which fog effects should achieve full opacity.
- Pow: The strength or opaqueness of the fog. Fog effects are calculated as a curve. A value of 1 is linear, less that one pushes the curve toward the near value, and a value above 1 pushes the curve toward the far value.
- Note that typical values for near planes range between 900 and 1200 game units; far planes between 10,000 and 250,000. Fog distances are generally smaller at night.
ImageSpace Modifier: Editor ID of the ImageSpace Modifier that is used by the weather type.
- Note that ImageSpace Modifiers are associated with time of day. A different modifier may be associated with Day, Night, High Noon (New Vegas Only), Midnight (New Vegas Only), Sunrise, and Sunset.
Cloud Textures: Modifies the texture used and the cloud speed for multiple layers.
- Layer: Selects which cloud layer to make changes to. There are four cloud layers.
- Cloud Speed: Selects the speed the clouds move on the current layer.
- Unnamed text field: Filename of texture (.dds) for current layer.
- Wind Speed: How windy it is. Affects cloud, grass, tree movement and any particle effects with a wind speed modifier.
- Trans Delta: In game hours, how long it takes to fully transition into this weather type once a transition begins.
- Sun Glare: How much glare there is around the sun disc.
- Sun Damage: Unused.
Precipitation Tab
- Unnamed text field: Unused.
- Begin Fade In: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition into this weather type.
- End Fade Out: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition out of this weather type.
- Begin Fade In: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition into this weather type when thunder/lightning effects will begin to appear in the scene.
- Ex-> A value of 0.8 means that you will begin seeing thunder/lightning effects after this weather is 80% transitioned in.
- End Fade Out: Slider specifies the point in time along a transition out of this weather type when thunder/lightning effects will no longer appear in the scene.
- Ex-> A value of 0.2 means that you will no longer see thunder/lightning effects once a transition out of this weather type into another one is 20% complete.
- Frequency: Slider determines how frequently you will see thunder/lightning.
Weather Classification: Choose the appropriate classification for this weather type. This will affect things such as water surfaces, NPC dialogue, and other game logic.
- Doesn't appear to work in Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas.
Lightning Color: Choose a color for lightning flashes.
Sound Tab
- The list box defines every sound associated with this weather type.
- Drag and drop sounds from the object window (Miscellaneous/Sound) into this list box.
- Double click a sound to toggle its type. Wind and precipitation sounds play as looping sounds while thunder sounds will play as a one-time sound when a lightning strike is initiated by the system.
- To delete a sound, right-click the sound and select delete.
- No longer used. ImageSpace Modifiers are used instead.
- Cloud textures appear not to be restricted in resolution as they are file size.