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Weapon Smith


Projects a laser from a specified node on a weapon nif.


$Laser: LaserNode:string MinDistance:float


;Inside "WeaponAttachments\MyGlobalAttachments.ini"

   $EditorID: MyLaserAttachment
   $Laser: LaserNodeLeft 580

MyLaserAttachment now projects a laser from LaserNodeLeft on the weapon nif, with a minimum distance of 580 world units. The laser will not get closer than 580 units from the specified node.


  • Is a global exclusive function.
  • The laser dot is rendered in XML. It gets drawn under the HUD, but since XML is calculated last, the dot will always render on top of everything else in the scene. This is why it's essential to specify a minimum distance, as the laser will display on top of the weapon reference if it is pushed too close to the camera.