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A function added by the kNVSE Plugin.


Deactivates the specified animation sequence. This is a low level animation function that must be used on an animation path played with ActivateAnim, BlendToAnim, BlendToAnimFromPose or CrossFadeAnims. Do not use it if you don't know what you're doing. Returns 1 if the sequence was successfully deactivated, and 0 otherwise.

  • Optional argument fEaseOutTime specifies a time period over which the sequence weight will be ramped down from its set value to 0.0. This is used for easing out the sequence to avoid a pop when other sequences are still running. The default value is the max of the NiControllerSequence text keys Blend and BlendOut divided by 30.


actor.DeactivateAnim anim sequence path:string


DeactivateAnim "Characters\Recoil.kf"

See Also