Category:Functions (kNVSE)
kNVSE, or kNVSE Animation Plugin, is an NVSE plugin that enables support in the engine for custom weapon animations, custom walking animations and a lot more.
Despite being named similarly to xNVSE, which replaces NVSE, kNVSE is an add-on for xNVSE, and does not replace it.
It is available here.
Text keys
kNVSE supplies numerous custom text keys which can be placed in an animation's KF file or through kNVSE's script functions.
- interruptLoop: AttackLoop will behave more like AttackLoopIS where the animation gets interrupted at the end. Makes for superior automatic weapon animations. It also allows AttackLoop and AttackLoopIS animations to finish before Aim or AimIS animations are played again.
- burstFire: Allows multiple “hit” and optionally “eject” keys to activate within a single animation.
- respectEndKey: First person animation’s text key won’t be tied to the third person animation text keys.
- noBlend: Disables blending into this animation. It is recommended to use this for first person animations but not third person animations.
- Script: MyUDFScript: A user defined function script will be called once the time value is reached. In this example the script has the editor ID MyUDFScript
- blendToReloadLoop: modifies the behavior of Reload(X/Y/Z/W)Start anim group so that it blends directly to ReloadLoop instead of blending first to Aim, then to - ReloadLoop which causes a significant pause. Requires both anims to have different priorities.
- soundPath: path: Plays sound (.wav file relative to Datafolder) at time specified in value
- scriptLine: print "This will print": Runs script line at time specified in value. %r may be used to specify newline for multiline scripts.
- allowAttack: Allow the player to attack after this time in reload or equip animations. Alternative is doing scriptLine: AllowAttack which is what this text key does internally.
- noFix: kNVSE on load will try to fix some presumed errors in animation files. If kNVSE is something erroneously to your anim, place this text key in your anim and kNVSE will not try to fix it.
- allowClampInLocomotion: By default the game only allows LOOP anims to be registered as locomotion anims. If you need your animation to bypass this, add this text key.
Pages in category "Functions (kNVSE)"
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.