A function added by the New Vegas Script Extender version 6.1.6.
Decompiles a script to a file (path is in this format: Fallout New Vegas\DecompiledScripts\ModName\ScriptName.gek). Meant to be used as a console function. Handy if a script source has been removed from a script.
(array) DecompileScript Script:form FileExtension:string (optional)
DecompileScript ArcadeScript
Creates and populates \Fallout New Vegas\DecompiledScripts\FalloutNV.esm\ArcadeScript.gek with
ScriptName ArcadeScript Int Waiting Int CombatStyleMelee Int CombatStyleRanged Int IsFollowingDefault Int IsFollowingLong Int FollowerSwitchAggressive Begin OnDeath If VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired == 1 Set VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers To VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers - 1 If VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers == 0 Set VNPCFollowers.bPlayerHasFollower To 0 EndIf Set VNPCFollowers.ArcadeHired To 0 Set VNPCFollowers.bHumanoidInParty To 0 ShowMessage FollowerMessageDeadArcade RemovePerk BetterHealing ShowMessage FollowerMessagePerkArcadeRemove EndIf Set VNPCFollowers.bArcadeDead To 1 If GetQuestCompleted VMS54 == 0 SetStage VMS54 110 EndIf If GetObjectiveDisplayed VMS35 50 == 1 && GetObjectiveCompleted VMS35 50 == 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed VMS35 50 0 EndIf End Begin OnCombatEnd If GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ResetHealth RestoreActorValue PerceptionCondition 100 RestoreActorValue EnduranceCondition 100 RestoreActorValue LeftAttackCondition 100 RestoreActorValue LeftMobilityCondition 100 RestoreActorValue RightAttackCondition 100 RestoreActorValue RightMobilityCondition 100 EndIf End Begin OnLoad If CombatStyleMelee == 1 SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleMelee Else SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleRanged EndIf End
Decompile All Scripts For A Specific Mod
foreach aIter <- GetLoadedTypeArray 17 (GetModIndex "INSERT MOD NAME HERE.esp") DecompileScript (*aIter) loop
This should needless to be said placed behind a GetGameRestarted check or it will decompile all the files every frame.
- This function can also take a TESPackage form, and can decompile it's Begin, End and Change scripts.
- As of v6.3.3, it can now decompile result scripts for any applicable form type.