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A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Returns the total, calculated attack damage of a Weapon, adjusted by any bonuses/penalties from stats, perks, etc.

  • If called on either an Inventory Reference, or a weapon reference placed in the world, the damage will further be adjusted by the weapon's condition, and by any weapon mods attached to it.
  • In the case of an inventory reference, if the weapon is in the inventory of an actor, the damage will be adjusted by the actor's stats/perks. In all other cases, the player's stats/perks will be used.
  • If the weapon is equipped and uses ammo, the damage will be adjusted by any effects of the equipped ammo type.


(weaponDamage:float) reference.GetCalculatedWeaponDamage weaponForm:ref


set fTotalDamage to GetCalculatedWeaponDamage WeapGatlingLaser
set fTotalDamage to weaponRef.GetCalculatedWeaponDamage 

See Also