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A function added by the JohnnyGuitar NVSE Plugin version 4.20.


Returns the value of a numeric Effect Shader trait.


(float) GetEffectShaderTraitNumeric effectShader:baseform traitID:int


float fFallOff = GetEffectShaderTraitNumeric NukeAtomShader 13 

Effect Shader trait IDs

0 - Flags (values below)
1 - Membrane Shader - Source Blend Mode (values below)
2 - Membrane Shader - Blend Operation (values below)
3 - Membrane Shader - Z Test Function (values below)
4 - Fill/Texture Effect - Color (RGB)
5 - Fill/Texture Effect - Alpha Fade In Time
6 - Fill/Texture Effect - Full Alpha Time
7 - Fill/Texture Effect - Alpha Fade Out Time
8 - Fill/Texture Effect - Presistent Alpha Ratio
9 - Fill/Texture Effect - Alpha Pulse Amplitude
10 - Fill/Texture Effect - Alpha Pulse Frequency
11 - Fill/Texture Effect - Texture Animation Speed (U)
12 - Fill/Texture Effect - Texture Animation Speed (V)
13 - Edge Effect - Fall Off
14 - Edge Effect - Color (RGB)
15 - Edge Effect - Alpha Fade In Time
16 - Edge Effect - Full Alpha Time
17 - Edge Effect - Alpha Fade Out Time
18 - Edge Effect - Persistent Alpha Ratio
19 - Edge Effect - Alpha Pulse Amplitude
20 - Edge Effect - Alpha Pusle Frequence
21 - Fill/Texture Effect - Full Alpha Ratio
22 - Edge Effect - Full Alpha Ratio
23 - Membrane Shader - Dest Blend Mode (values below)
24 - Particle Shader - Source Blend Mode (values below)
25 - Particle Shader - Blend Operation (values below)
26 - Particle Shader - Z Test Function (values below)
27 - Particle Shader - Dest Blend Mode (values below)
28 - Particle Shader - Particle Birth Ramp Up Time
29 - Particle Shader - Full Particle Birth Time
30 - Particle Shader - Particle Birth Ramp Down Time
31 - Particle Shader - Full Particle Birth Ratio
32 - Particle Shader - Persistant Particle Birth Ratio
33 - Particle Shader - Particle Lifetime
34 - Particle Shader - Particle Lifetime +/-
35 - Particle Shader - Initial Speed Along Normal
36 - Particle Shader - Acceleration Along Normal
37 - Particle Shader - Initial Velocity #1
38 - Particle Shader - Initial Velocity #2
39 - Particle Shader - Initial Velocity #3
40 - Particle Shader - Acceleration #1
41 - Particle Shader - Acceleration #2
42 - Particle Shader - Acceleration #3
43 - Particle Shader - Scale Key 1
44 - Particle Shader - Scale Key 2
45 - Particle Shader - Scale Key 1 Time
46 - Particle Shader - Scale Key 2 Time
47 - Color Key 1 (RGB)
48 - Color Key 2 (RGB)
49 - Color Key 3 (RGB)
50 - Color Key 1 Alpha
51 - Color Key 2 Alpha
52 - Color Key 3 Alpha
53 - Color Key 1 Key Time
54 - Color Key 2 Key Time
55 - Color Key 3 Key Time
56 - Particle Shader - Initial Speed Along Normal +/-
57 - Particle Shader - Initial Rotation (deg)
58 - Particle Shader - Initial Rotation (deg) +/-
59 - Particle Shader - Rotation Speed (deg/sec)
60 - Particle Shader - Rotation Speed (deg/sec) +/-
61 - Addon Models (form ID)
62 - Holes - Start Time
63 - Holes - End Time
64 - Holes - Start Val
65 - Holes - End Val
66 - Edge Width (alpha units)
67 - Edge Color
68 - Explosion Wind Speed
69 - Texture Count U
70 - Texture Count V
71 - Addon Models - Fade In Time
72 - Addon Models - Fade Out Time
73 - Addon Models - Scale Start
74 - Addon Models - Scale End
75 - Addon Models - Scale In Time
76 - Addon Models - Scale Out Time


0 - No Membrane Shader
3 - No Particle Shader
4 - Edge Effect Inverse
5 - Affect Skin Only)

Blend Mode values

1 - Zero
2 - One
3 - Source Color
4 - Source Inverse Color
5 - Source Alpha
6 - Source Inverted Alpha
7 - Dest Alpha
8 - Dest Inverted Alpha
9 - Dest Color
10 - Dest Inverse Color
11 - Source Alpha SA

Blend Operation values

1 - Add
2 - Subtract
3 - Reverse Subtract
4 - Minimum
5 - Maximum

Z Test Function values

3 - Equal To
4 - Normal
5 - Greater Than
7 - Greater Than or Equal To
8 - Always Show

See Also