A function included in the GECK for Fallout 3.
The GetLocked script function gets the access state of terminals and locks (Doors or Containers).
Note that in vanilla Fallout 3 and New Vegas, hacking a terminal does not change the access state as far as GetLocked is concerned, and unless unlocked via script, GetLocked will return 1 for any terminal that is or was previously locked (fixed by JIP LN version 54.80 in New Vegas and in GetLockedAlt from ButcherPete FOSE in Fallout 3).
(int) ref.GetLocked
if DoorRef01.GetLocked == 1
Returns whether or not a door is locked but not locked out.
Return Values
- Doors/Containers:
0 unlocked (player has used a key or door is not locked) 1 locked but can be opened with key or lockpick 2 locked out (lock level is impossible or lock is broken)
- Terminals:
0 unlocked (player has note, terminal has no lock data, or terminal unlocked through script). Does not change state when hacked(¹). 1 has lock data. Does not change stage when hacked. 2 locked out (player failed at hacking or lock level is impossible)
- (¹)As of version 54.80, JIP LN repairs this function so that GetLocked will accurately return the access state of a terminal, as opposed to whether or not it has lock data.