Movement Settings

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These settings affect the speed at which actors move under various circumstances. They apply to all actors unless otherwise noted.

Setting Default Description
fMoveBaseSpeed 77.0 Base movement speed (in units per second?).
fMoveRunMult 4.0 Movement speed is multiplied by this when the actor is running.
fMoveSneakMult 0.57 Movement speed is multiplied by this when the actor is sneaking.
fMoveNoWeaponMult 1.1 Movement speed is multiplied by this when the actor's weapon is holstered, or the actor has no weapon equipped.
fMoveOneCrippledLegSpeedMult 0.85 Movement speed is multiplied by this when the actor has one crippled leg.
fMoveTwoCrippledLegsSpeedMult 0.75 Movement speed is multiplied by this when the actor has two crippled legs.

Fallout 3

In Fallout 3, the movement speed penalty is determined by the weight of all worn armor and the equipped weapon:

((fMoveWeightMin + Equipped Item Weight) / (fMoveWeightMax - fMoveWeightMin)) * Encumbrance Effect

Individual Settings

Setting Default Description
fMoveWeightMin 0 Modified equipment weight for penalizing move speed.
fMoveWeightMax 150 Maximum equipment weight for penalizing move speed.
fMoveEncumEffect 0.4 Multiplies the equipment speed penalty by this when weapon drawn.
fMoveEncumEffectNoWea 0.3 Multiplies the armor equipment penalty by this when weapon holstered.

Fallout: New Vegas

In Fallout: New Vegas, the armor speed penalty is determined by the worn torso armor's class and drawn weapon anim type.

Movement Speed (not the penalty) accounts for the Modify Run Speed Perk Entry Point.

Individual Settings

Setting Default Description
fMoveHeavyArmorPenalty 0.15 Movement speed penalty for wearing heavy armor.
fMoveMediumArmorPenalty 0.075 Movement speed penalty for wearing medium armor.
fMove2HBigPenalty 0.1 Movement speed penalty for wielding two-handed weapon.
fMove2HRPenalty 0.1 Movement speed penalty for wielding two-handed ranged weapon.


  • Changes to these settings will not be reflected until an actor re-evaluates its speed. This can be done by changing sneak state or holstering/unholstering a weapon. Changing walk/run state will not work. Another way to force recalculate an actor's speed is to DamageAV 0 on either mobility limb, or call SetSpeedMult with no speedMult argument.

See Also