This article is incomplete. You can help by filling in any blank descriptions. Further information might be found in a section of the discussion page. Please remove this message when no longer necessary. |
There are hundreds of settings. Some are relatively innocent, such as fSneakSleepBonus, which determines the Sneak bonus an actor gets if the target is sleeping. Others can break the game in a heartbeat. Be very careful with any changes to make to these settings.
It is important to distinguish between GameSettings, which are their own special forms, and the game's default INI Settings, such as those found in "Fallout.ini" and "FalloutPrefs.ini".
Settings use a naming convention which identifies what kind of data the setting accepts. "f" settings are floats (numbers with decimals), "i" settings are integers (whole numbers) and "s" settings are strings.
Know what a setting does that isn't explained here? Spread the knowledge by documenting it!
See Also
- Complete List of GameSettings
- GameSetting Functions
- Settings (Category)
- GameSettings Profiler may be useful for testing GameSettings.
Actor Settings
These are settings related to actors.
Derived Statistic Settings
These settings control various Derived Statistics, such as default skill levels, weight carrying capacity, action points, etc.
- fActionPointsRestoreRate
- fAVDActionPointsBase
- fAVDActionPointsMult
- fAVDCarryWeightMult
- fAVDCarryWeightsBase
Derived Skill Settings
Derived Skill Settings control actor skill value bonuses given by stats and starting skill values.
- fAVDTagSkillBonus
- fAVDSkillPrimaryBonusMult
- fAVDSkillLuckBonusMult
- fAVDSkillBarterBase
- fAVDSkillBigGunsBase
- fAVDSkillEnergyWeaponsBase
- fAVDSkillExplosivesBase
- fAVDSkillLockpickBase
- fAVDSkillMedicineBase
- fAVDSkillMeleeWeaponsBase
- fAVDSkillRepairBase
- fAVDSkillScienceBase
- fAVDSkillSmallGunsBase
- fAVDSkillSneakBase
- fAVDSkillSpeechBase
- fAVDSkillUnarmedBase
Movement Settings
Movement Settings control how fast actors move.
- fMoveRunMult
- fMoveSneakMult
- fMoveNoWeaponMult
- fMoveOneCrippledLegSpeedMult
- fMoveTwoCrippledLegsSpeedMult
AI Settings
These settings govern how actors behave in the gameworld.
Guard Package Settings
These settings apply to actors running the Guard Package
Health Settings
- fAVDHealthLevelMult - short: used for calculating new HP when leveling up.
- fAVDNPCHealthLevelMult - short: the same for NPCs.
- fAVDHealthEnduranceMult - short: used for calculating new HP when advance a level based on Endurance
- fAVDNPCHealthEnduranceMult - short: the same for NPCs.
- fAVDNPCHealthEnduranceOffset - ???
Sandbox Package Settings
These settings apply to actors running the Sandbox Package
- iSandBoxPreventRepeatedActionTime
- fSandboxBreakfastMax
- fSandboxBreakfastMin
- fSandboxDinnerMax
- fSandboxDinnerMin
- fSandboxLunchMax
- fSandboxLunchMin
- fSandboxMealDurationMax
- fSandboxMealDurationMin
- fSandboxSleepDurationMax
- fSandboxSleepDurationMin
- fSandboxSleepStartMax
- fSandboxSleepStartMin
Experience Settings
Experience Settings control how much experience the player gains from certain actions and how much experience is required to level.
- iXPBase
- iXPBumpBase
Leveled Item Settings
Combat Settings
- fCombatConfidenceModifierMax
- fCombatConfidenceModifierMin
- fCombatDamageBonusSneakingMult
- fCombatDistance
- fCombatDistanceMin
- fCombatThreatRatioUpdateTime
- fCombatUnarmedCritDamageMult
- fKnockdownBaseHealthThreshold
- fKnockdownCurrentHealthThreshold
- fMinimumFatigue
VATS Settings
VATS Settings control the behavior of VATS
- fVATSAutomaticMeleeDamageMult
- fVATSCriticalChanceBonus
- fVATSDamageToWeaponMult
- fVATSDestructibleMult
- fVATSDistanceFactor (does not exist in New Vegas)
- fVATSFortuneOdds
- fVATSH2HWarpDistanceMult
- fVATSHitChanceMult
- fVATSMaxChance
- fVATSMaxEngageDistance
- fVATSMeleeMaxDistance
- fVATSMeleeReachMult
- fVATSParalyzePalmChance
- fVATSPlayerDamageMult
- fVATSShotBurstTime
- fVATSShotLongBurstTime
- fVATSSkillFactor
- fVATSSpreadMult
- fVATSStealthMult
- fVATSStrangerDistance
- fVATSStrangerOdds
- iVATSStrangerMaxHP
- iVATSConcentratedFireBonus
Mine Settings
Mine Settings control the behavior of mines placed in the game world, either in the editor or by actors.
- fMineAgeMax
- fMinesDelayMin
- fMineExteriorRadiusMult
Weapon Settings
Auto Aim Settings
Auto Aim Settings are used to configure the auto-aim feature.
- fAutoAimMaxDegrees
- fAutoAimMaxDegrees3rdPerson
- fAutoAimMaxDegreesMelee
- fAutoAimMaxDegreesMiss
- fAutoAimMaxDegreesVATS
- fAutoAimMaxDistance
- fAutoAimMeleeChaseMult
- fAutoAimMissRatioHigh
- fAutoAimMissRatioLow
- fAutoAimScreenPercentage
Weapon Damage
These settings are used in the Weapon Damage Formula to calculate weapon damage.
- fAVDMeleeDamageStrengthMult
- fAVDMeleeDamageStrengthOffset
- fDamageGunWeapCondMult
- fDamageGunWeapCondBase
- fDamageMeleeWeapCondMult
- fDamageMeleeWeapCondBase
- fDamageSkillBase
- fDamageSkillMult
- fDamageWeaponMult
- fAVDUnarmedDamageBase
- fAVDUnarmedDamageMult
Weapon Critical Hit Chance
These settings are used in the Critical Hit Chance Formula.
- fWeaponConditionCriticalChanceMult (does not exist in New Vegas)
- fAVDCritLuckMult
- fAVDCritLuckBase
- fVATSCriticalChanceBonus
Gun Spread Settings
These settings are used in the Gun Spread Formula to determine how well the actor can aim their gun. The higher the resulting value, the more the gun will wave around while the actor is holding it.
- fGunSpreadSkillBase
- fGunSpreadSkillMult
- fGunSpreadIronSightsBase
- fGunSpreadIronSightsMult
- fGunSpreadArmBase
- fGunSpreadArmMult
- fGunSpreadRunBase
- fGunSpreadRunMult
- fGunSpreadWalkBase
- fGunSpreadWalkMult
- fGunSpreadCrouchBase
- fGunSpreadCrouchMult
- fGunSpreadCondBase
- fGunSpreadCondMult
Rate of Fire
fWeaponConditionRateOfFireXX settings control the rate of fire for guns based on the condition of the weapon.
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire1
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire2
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire3
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire4
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire5
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire6
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire7
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire8
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire9
- fWeaponConditionRateOfFire10
Jamming After Reload
fWeaponConditionReloadJamXX settings control the chance your weapon has to jam after reloading based on the condition of your weapon. Note that weapons with the "No jam after reload" flag set on the weapon form ignore these settings.
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam1
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam2
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam3
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam4
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam5
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam6
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam7
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam8
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam9
- fWeaponConditionReloadJam10
Jamming While Firing
fWeaponConditionJamXX settings control the chance your weapon will jam instead of firing based on the condition of your weapon. There is currently a bug affecting game play using automatic weapons when these settings are enabled, and they are all set to 0 by default because of this.
- fWeaponConditionJam1
- fWeaponConditionJam2
- fWeaponConditionJam3
- fWeaponConditionJam4
- fWeaponConditionJam5
- fWeaponConditionJam6
- fWeaponConditionJam7
- fWeaponConditionJam8
- fWeaponConditionJam9
- fWeaponConditionJam10
Gun Shell Settings
Non-Actor Activatable Object Settings
Lock Settings
iLockLevelMaxXXX settings control the description that the interface uses to describe a locked object, based on the lock difficulty.
- iLockLevelMaxVeryEasy
- iLockLevelMaxEasy
- iLockLevelMaxAverage
- iLockLevelMaxHard
- iLockLevelMaxVeryHard
- iLockLevelMaxImpossible
Actor Effect Settings
Barter System
These settings are used in the Barter System Formula.
- fBarterBuyBase
- fBarterBuyMult
- fBarterSellBase
- fBarterSellMult
Item Value and Condition
These settings are used to compute Item_Condition_And_Value.
- fItemConditionValueBase
- fItemConditionValueMult
- fItemConditionValueExp
Ingestible Settings
The Ingestible Settings control the duration of Positive (non-Detrimental) effects for Ingestibles.
- fMagicSurvivalSkillBase
- fMagicSurvivalSkillMult
- fMagicMedicineSkillBase
- fMagicMedicineSkillMult
Radiation Settings
These settings are used to determine the impact of radiation sources.
Repair Settings
These settings are used in the Item Repair Formula
- fRepairMax
- fRepairMin
- fRepairScavengeMult
Havok Grab Settings
Uncategorized Settings
Floating Point Numeral Settings
- fArmorRatingMax
- fArmorRatingMult
- fAbsorbCoreColorB
- fAbsorbCoreColorG
- fAbsorbCoreColorR
- fAbsorbGlowColorB
- fAbsorbGlowColorG
- fAbsorbGlowColorR
- fActorArmorDesirabilityDamageMult
- fActorStrengthEncumbranceMult
- fActorSwimBreathBase
- fActorSwimBreathMult
- fActorTeleportFadeSeconds
- fAIFleeConfBase
- fAIFleeHealthMult
- fAIMaxHeadTrackDistance
- fAIMaxSmileDistance
- fAIPowerAttackRecoilBonus
- fAISocialchanceForConversation
- fAISocialRadiusToTriggerConversation
- fAIUpdateMovementRestrictionsDistance
- fArmorRatingBase
- fArmorRatingConditionBase
- fArmorRatingConditionMult
- fAutoDoorActivateDistance
- fBarterSellBase
- fBribeBase
- fCharacterDefaultTurningSpeed
- fChase3rdPersonVanityXYMult
- fClothingClassScale
- fClothingJewelryScale
- fCombatEnvironmentBloodChance
- fCombatGiantCreatureReachMult
- fCombatHitConeAngle
- fCombatSoundArmorPct
- fCombatSoundFleshPct
- fCombatSoundWeaponPct
- fCombatSpeakAttackChance
- fCombatSpeakHitChance
- fCombatSpeakHitThreshold
- fCombatSpeakPowerAttackChance
- fCoverFiringReloadClipPercent
- fCoverWaitReloadClipPercent
- fCrimeAlarmRespMult
- fDamagePowerAttackBackBonus
- fDamagePowerAttackBonus
- fDamagePowerAttackForwardBonus
- fDamagePowerAttackSideBonus
- fDamagePowerAttackStandBonus
- fDamageToArmorPercentage
- fDaytimeColorExtension
- fDeathForceForceMax
- fDeathForceForceMin
- fDetectionCommentTimer
- fDetectionSneakLightMod
- fDetectionViewCone
- fDifficultyDamageMultiplier
- fDispTargetFactionRankBase
- fDistanceProjectileExplosionDetection
- fDyingTimer
- fEnchantmentGoldMult
- fEssentialDeathTime
- fFatigueAttackWeaponBase
- fFatigueAttackWeaponMult
- fFatigueBlockSkillBase
- fFatigueBlockSkillMult
- fFatigueCastBase
- fFatigueReturnBase
- fFatigueReturnMult
- fFightAggrBase
- fFightFriendDispBase
- fFirstPersonCameraMult
- fFurnitureMarker01DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker01DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker01DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker01HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker02DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker02DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker02DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker02HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker03DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker03DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker03DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker03HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker04DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker04DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker04DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker04HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker11DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker11DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker11DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker11HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker12DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker12DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker12DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker12HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker13DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker13DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker13DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker13HeadingDelta
- fFurnitureMarker14DeltaX
- fFurnitureMarker14DeltaY
- fFurnitureMarker14DeltaZ
- fFurnitureMarker14HeadingDelta
- fGrenadeFriction
- fGrenadeRestitution
- fHandFatigueDamageBase
- fHandFatigueDamageMult
- fHandHealthMax
- fHandReachMult
- fIdleChatterCommentTimer
- fImpactShaderMaxMagnitude
- fJumpDoubleMult
- fKnockdownChance
- fKnockdownDamageMult
- fLeafRockAmountSwayInfluence
- fLeafRockSpeedSwayInfluence
- fLeafRockTimeScale
- fLeafRustleAmountSwayInfluence
- fLeafRustleSpeedSwayInfluence
- fLeafRustleTimeScale
- fLowLevelNPCBaseHealthMult
- fMagicCasterSkillCostBase
- fMagicCasterSkillCostMult
- fMagicCostScale
- fMagicDiseaseTransferMult
- fMagicExplosionAgilityMult
- fMagicFatigueDrainBase
- fMagicFatigueDrainMult
- fMagicFogMaximumDistance
- fMagicFogOptimalDistance
- fMagickaReturnBase
- fMagickaReturnMult
- fMagicLightHeightOffset
- fMagicLightRadiusBase
- fMagicSpellLevelApprenticeMin
- fMagicSpellLevelExpertMin
- fMagicSpellLevelJourneymanMin
- fMagicSpellLevelMasterMin
- fMagicTelekinesiDistanceMult
- fMagicTelekinesisLiftPowerMult
- fMasserAngleFadeEnd
- fMasserAngleFadeStart
- fMasserAngleShadowEarlyFade
- fMaxArmorRating
- fMoveWeightMax (does not exist in New Vegas)
- fNPCAttributeHealthMult
- fNPCBaseMagickaMult
- fNPCGeneticVariation
- fPCBaseMagickaMult
- fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanApprenticeMult
- fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanExpertMult
- fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanJourneymanMult
- fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanMasterMult
- fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanNoviceMult
- fPickPocketActorSkillBase
- fPickPocketActorSkillMult
- fPickPocketAmountMult
- fPickPocketMaxChance
- fPickPocketTargetSkillMult
- fPlayerDeathReloadTime
- fPotionGoldValueMult
- fPotionT1AleDurMult
- fPotionT1AleMagMult
- fPotionT1CalDurMult
- fPotionT1RetDurMult
- fPotionT2AleDurMult
- fPotionT3AleMagMult
- fPowerAttackFatiguePenalty
- fPackRatModifier
- fPackRatThreshold
- fRechargeGoldMult
- fRockitDamageBonusWeightMult
- fSecundaAngleFadeEnd
- fSecundaAngleFadeStart
- fSecundaAngleShadowEarlyFade
- fSecundaSpeed
- fSkillUseExp
- fSkillUseFactor
- fSneakBaseValue
- fSneakBootWeightBase
- fSneakBootWeightMult
- fSneakLightMult
- fSneakMaxDistance
- fSneakRunningMult
- fSneakSkillMult
- fSneakSleepBonus
- fSneakSoundLosMult
- fSpeechDelay
- fSpellCastingDetectionMod
- fSpellmakingGoldMult
- fStarsRotateDays
- fStarsRotateXAxis
- fStarsRotateYAxis
- fStarsRotateZAxis
- fStatsHealthStartMult
- fSunAlphaTransTime
- fSunMinimumGlareScale
- fSunReduceGlareSpeed
- fTorchLightLevelMorning
- fTorchLightLevelNight
- fTrainingCostMult
- fTreeFarDistanceBase
- fTreeNearDistanceBase
- fTreeWindVariance
- fVanityModeAutoDelay
- fWeatherFlashAmbient
- fWeatherFlashDuration
- fWeatherTransMax
- fWortcraftChanceIntDenom
- fWortcraftChanceLuckDenom
Integer Numeral Game Settings
- iActivatePickLength
- iArmorWeightHelmet
- iArmorWeightShield
- iCombatDismemberPartChance
- iCombatExplodePartChance
- iCrimeAlarmRecDistance
- iCrimeGoldStealHorse
- iDeathDropWeaponChance
- iHoursToRespawnCell
- iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax
- iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax
- iLowLevelNPCMaxLevel
- iLowResponsiblityLevel
- iMagicMaxPotionsApprentice
- iMagicMaxPotionsExpert
- iMagicMaxPotionsJourneyman
- iMagicMaxPotionsMaster
- iMagicMaxPotionsNovice
- iMapMarkerRevealDistance
- iMapMarkerVisibleDistance
- iMasserSize
- iMaxCharacterLevel
- iMinClipSizeToAddReloadDelay
- iNPCBasePerLevelHealthMult
- iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer
- iPCStartSpellSkillLevel
- iPerkBlockStaggerChance
- iPerkExtraBarterGoldMaster
- iTraitMenuMaxNumTraits
String Game Settings
- sAddItemtoInventory
- sAddItemtoSpellList
- sAMTime
- sAnimationCanNotEquipWeapon
- sAnimationCanNotUnequip
- sAntiCheatTimeRemainingText
- sArmorWeightHeavy
- sArmorWeightLight
- sArmorWeightMedium
- sBetMax
- sBetText
- sBlackjackAntiCheatText
- sCanNotReadBook
- sCanNotTrainAnymore
- sCanNotTrainHigher
- sCasinoChipText
- sCasinoEarningsText
- sChallengeToggle
- sChipCountText
- sCommsTabText
- sContinueText
- sCurrentBetText
- sData
- sDayFriday
- sDayMonday
- sDaySaturday
- sDaySunday
- sDayThursday
- sDayTuesday
- sDayWednesday
- sDecreaseBetText
- sDefaultPlayerName
- sDiscoveredText
- sDropEquippedItemWarning
- sEnterName
- sEssentialCharacterDown
- sFastTravelNoTravelHealthDamage
- sFinsihBetText
- sGamblingBannedText
- sGamblingBrokeText
- sGamblingMinWinText
- sHairColor0
- sHairColor1
- sHairColor10
- sHairColor11
- sHairColor12
- sHairColor13
- sHairColor14
- sHairColor15
- sHairColor2
- sHairColor3
- sHairColor4
- sHairColor5
- sHairColor6
- sHairColor7
- sHairColor8
- sHairColor9
- sHowMany
- sHowManyWait
- sImpossibleLock
- sIncreaseBetText
- sInventoryAid
- sInventoryAmmo
- sInventoryAmmoTab
- sInventoryApparel
- sInventoryArmorClass
- sInventoryCaps
- sInventoryCondition
- sInventoryDamage
- sInventoryDamagePerSecond
- sInventoryDamageResistance
- sInventoryDamageThreshold
- sInventoryDrop
- sInventoryEffects
- sInventoryEquip
- sInventoryHotKey
- sInventoryItems
- sInventoryMisc
- sInventoryMod
- sInventoryName
- sInventoryQuantity
- sInventoryRepair
- sInventoryStrReq
- sInventoryUnequip
- sInventoryUse
- sInventoryValue
- sInventoryWeapons
- sInventoryWeight
- sInventoryWeightUpper
- sKeyLocked
- sLeaveMarker
- sLevelUpPerkCounter
- sLevelUpPerkCounterPl
- sLoadWhilePlaying
- sLocalMapTabText
- sLockLevelNameImpossible
- sMaintainItem
- sMapMarkerAdded
- sMapMarkerNotFound
- sMenuDisplayDayString
- sMiscTabText
- sMoveMarker
- sMoveMarkerQuestion
- sNoFastTravelAlarm
- sNoFastTravelCell
- sNoFastTravelCombat
- sNoFastTravelCombat
- sNoFastTravelHostileActorsNear
- sNoFastTravelInAir
- sNoFastTravelOverencumbered
- sNoFastTravelScriptBlock
- sNoFastTravelScriptBlock
- sNoFastTravelUndiscovered
- sNoLockPick
- sNoSleepCombat
- sNoSleepHostileActorsNear
- sNoSleepInOwnedBed
- sNoTalkFleeing
- sNotesToggle
- sNoWaitHostilActorsNear
- sNoWaitInCombat
- sNoWaitUnderWater
- sNoWaitWhileAlarmSounding
- sOpenWithKey
- sOverEncumbered
- sPayoutListText
- sPayoutText
- sPlaceBetText
- sPlaceMarker
- sPlayerLeavingBorderRegion
- sPMTime
- sQuestsTabText
- sRadioSignalLost
- sRadioStationDiscovered
- sRemoveBetText
- sRemoveMarker
- sRouletteAntiCheatText
- sSetMarkerQuestion
- sShowActiveNotes
- sShowActiveNotes
- sShowLocation
- sSleep
- sSlotAntiCheatText
- sSpinText
- sStats
- sStatsAddicted
- sStatsAlcohol
- sStatsAP
- sStatsBody
- sStatsCNDAbbrev
- sStatsCondition
- sStatsCrippled
- sStatsEFFAbbrev
- sStatsEffects
- sStatsFODAbbrev
- sStatsGeneral
- sStatsH20Abbrev
- sStatsHP
- sStatsLimbs
- sStatsLMBAbbrev
- sStatsLVLAbbrev
- sStatsNoEffects
- sStatsPerks
- sStatsRADAbbrev
- sStatsRadiation
- sStatsRadResist
- sStatsSkills
- sStatsSLPAbbrev
- sStatsSpecial
- sStatsStatus
- sStatsXP
- sStatsXPMax
- sSuccessfulSneakAttackEnd
- sTotalBetText
- sTraitMenuCounter
- sTraitMenuCounterSingular
- sTraitMenuTitleText
- sTraitsCount
- sTraitsTitle
- sTravelQuestion
- sUnequipItemOnPlayer
- sVampireFeedQuestion
- sVDSGManual
- sVDSGPlate
- sWait
- sWeaponBreak
- sWeaponLowCond
- sWeaponTypeHandToHandMelee
- sWeaponTypeOneHandGrenade
- sWeaponTypeOneHandMelee
- sWeaponTypeOneHandMine
- sWeaponTypeOneHandPistol
- sWeaponTypeOneHandPistolEnergy
- sWeaponTypeOneHandThrown
- sWeaponTypeTwoHandAutomatic
- sWeaponTypeTwoHandHandle
- sWeaponTypeTwoHandLauncher
- sWeaponTypeTwoHandMelee
- sWeaponTypeTwoHandRifle
- sWeaponTypeTwoHandRifleEnergy
- sWorldMapTabText
- sYouBreakEvenText
- sYouLose
- sYouWin
Unused Settings
New Vegas Only Settings
These settings exist only in Fallout: New Vegas. This section is not comprehensive, nor intended to have any great degree of permanency- it should probably be rearranged.