NVSE Config Options

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This page lists (most) INI options for NVSE, in "data/nvse/nvse_config.ini". Note that some may have been added in later versions, and some were added in xNVSE.

Each option (INI key) belongs under a section, typed out as [Some Section].

If an INI option is not written in the INI, then it is given its default value.

[Release] Section


Determines if NVSE script errors should be reported via a corner UI message popup. Does not prevent console prints for errors from occuring. Recommended only for developers / testers, otherwise it can get distracting.

  • Default value = 0 (off)


If non-zero (true), prevents scripts from stopping execution if a command returns false or there's a missing reference.

  • Default value = 1 (on)


If non-zero (true), will hide warnings about the NVSE cosave having exceeded a certain size. Not recommended to enable, since it could hide legitimate issues with scripts leaking resources.

  • Default value = 0


Determines what to print to the NVSE log. The greater the value, the more less-important messages will be printed. Valid values:

  Show Errors = 1
  Show Warnings = 2,
  Show Message = 3,
  Show VerboseMessage = 4,
  Show DebugMessage = 5

If set to zero, will default to 3.

  • Default value = 3


If non-zero (true), will modify Update3D so that it has additional code to handle being called on the player. However, UpdatePlayer3D is a better alternative nowadays.

  • Default value = 0 (false)

[Logging] Section


If non-zero (true), prints any vanilla game errors to falloutnv_error.log and falloutnv_havok.log in the game folder.

  • Default value = 0 (off)


If zero (false), will erase the vanilla game error files every time a new session starts. Otherwise, errors will be appended to those files.

  • Default value = 0

[Memory] Section


If NVHR (Heap Replacer) is installed, this setting does nothing.

  • Default value = 200
  • Maximum = 500


  • Default value = 64
  • Maximum = 128

[Fixes] Section


If non-zero (true), will disable NVSE's SCOF fixes.

  • Default value = 0

[Tests] Section


If non-zero (true), will enable NVSE's runtime tests. Notably, script unit test files in "Data/nvse/unit_tests" folder will be executed. Only useful for testers / developers.

  • Default value = 0 (off)
  • Added in xNVSE 6.2.7