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NiLights are light sources. They can cast either a mix of ambient and diffuse lighting or one type at a time.

Shared Fields

NiLights only differ in which color types can be cast and how the light is cast. They share most fields, although many of them are unused or incorrectly added by NifSkope.

They are:

  • Dimmer: The brightness of the light on a 0-1 float range for SDR. Values above 1 are HDR.
  • Ambient Color: The ambient color this light emits. Only used for NiAmbientLights?
  • Diffuse Color: The diffuse color this light emits.
  • Specular Color: The specular color this light emits. Reworked by Bethesda, the red channel determines the radius of lights, and JIP LN uses the blue channel to track what owns a particular light.


Places a light that provides ambient lighting.


Places a light that illuminates a direction with infinite distance based on the light's position and orientation is determined by the light's positive X axis direction. The in-game sun is a NiDirectionalLight. Usage is hardcoded and cannot be used by NIFs.


Places an omnidirectional light. Radius is determined by the scale of the Light's reference. The Attenuation fields are reused by Bethesda to flicker lights and are animated at runtime. Can't normally be used in non-Light NIFs in vanilla, but JIP LN allows you to attach them.


Places a conical light with a definable area of max intensity. Currently unused but a restoration is in the works.