A function added by the ShowOff NVSE Plugin version 1.25.
Sets/removes the specified UDF Script as a handler that will be invoked whenever a corner message (like ones from MessageEx) is appended to the corner message queue. For example, it runs when a message is added via MessageExAlt, which is not necessarily when it is displayed.
When invoked, the script gets passed 5 arguments:
- The message text.
- The icon type, used for preset icon paths. Only used internally by the engine, otherwise left at 0.
- The icon path.
- The sound path (unknown when this is used, usually null).
- The duration of the message.
- If any of the strings are null, they are passed as "<void>" to the UDF.
Unlike ShowOff:OnQueueCornerMessage, this will run even if the message being queued will be ignored and immediately removed from the queue. For example, if you have a Karma loss message currently displayed, then the game won't actually queue another one unless something else is in the queue, as it detects the redundancy and eliminates it.
SetShowOffOnCornerMessageEventHandler setORremove:1/0 handlerScript:ref flag:int{Default:0}
SetOnCornerMessageEventHandler setORremove:1/0 handlerScript:ref flag:int{Default:0}
SetShowOffOnCornerMessageEventHandler 1 OnCornerMsgUDF
Sets the OnCornerMsgUDF script as a handler to be invoked whenever a corner message is appended to the queue.
SetShowOffOnCornerMessageEventHandler 0 OnCornerMsgUDF
Removes the OnCornerMsgUDF script as a handler of the above.
Handler Script
A skeleton handler script for this event:
scn OnCornerMsgUDF string_var s_MsgText int iIconType string_var s_IconPath string_var s_SoundPath float fDisplayTime Begin Function { s_MsgText, iIconType, s_IconPath, s_SoundPath, fDisplayTime } ;(code) end
- Flag argument is reserved for future use and should always be 0 or left at default for now.