Useful Scripts

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Gender Unlock

Script Type:Object

To be placed on an door, or container, Uses your gender (Male, Female) to unlock a the door, container.

ScriptName VaultGenderUnlock

short bDoOnce

Begin Gamemode

If bDoOnce == 0
    if Player.GetIsSex gender ;Place male,female where it says Gender. Can't be both.
        let bDoOnce := 1


Timed Doors

Script Type:Object

To be placed on an activator, Uses Persistent References to design Objects.

scn VaultpTimedDoor ;By BEArbiter

;This script is used to make timed doors, elevators, etc.
;Once you press the button, Isactivated will set to 1, so pressing the button again won't do anything until Reset is 0
;Then, for each second, one or more Doors will be
;opened/closed. When all Doors are activated, the script
;will reset the Activator.
;It uses Persistent Reference of the doors, so you'll need one
;Script per Activator/Elevator.
;A timing issue can be created(if you place two or more activators
;and activate both at a small interval), it can be
;solved by creating a Global Variable instead of using Isactivated.
;Then, all buttons which use a copy of this
;script won't be usable while a Door is open.

float timer
;To create a Global Variable, Go to Global and create a
;variable type short named "Isactivated" and delete this line:
int isactivated
:<end of delete action>

begin OnActivate
;If the button has been pressed before and has
;not been reset, the activator won't do anything
    if isactivated == 0
   	set isactivated to 1
        ;If you want the Activator to do something else

begin GameMode
   If isactivated == 1
      if timer < 8

         if timer < 1;
         elseif Timer < 2 ;After one second, the following lines will fire
	    if Door1.GetOpenState == 3
               Door1.SetOpenState 1
               ;Door3.SetOpenState 1
               ;You can activate more than one door at a time.
            elseif Door1.GetOpenState == 1
               Door1.SetOpenState 0
               ;Door3.SetOpenState 0
         Elseif Timer < 3
            If Door2.GetOpenState == 3
               Door2.SetOpenState 1
            Elseif Door2.GetOpenState == 1
               Door2.SetOpenState 0
         Elseif Timer < 4
            If Door3.GetOpenState == 3
               Door3.SetOpenState 1
            Elseif Door3.GetOpenState == 1
               Door3.SetOpenState 0

        Set isactivated to 0
        Set timer to 0

Light switch

Script Type:Object

To be placed on an activator, and linked to a light source or x-marker Enable Parent.

ScriptName LightSwitchScript

ref light

Begin OnActivate
	if light == 0
		set light to GetLinkedRef

	if light.GetDisabled

Ground area mark that follows the crosshair

You can see the effect of this script in this video Script Type: Quest or Effect For a Quest script, use a GameMode block. For an Effect script, use a ScriptEffectUpdate block.
Instead of activator put the name of the activator or actor you want to use, in order to use the EditorRefID of your reference in a script like this, it must be a persistent reference.

float xang
float zang
float x
float y
float z
float playerheight
float lont

begin gamemode

	set xang to player.getangle x
	set zang to player.getangle z * -1 + 90

	if xang <= 5
		set lont to 1300;  you can change this value if you need to
		if player.issneaking == 0
			set playerheight to 322
			set playerheight to 252
		set lont to (playerheight*cos xang/sin xang * 0.34118010537042257764)

	set xang to player.getangle x * -1

	set x to lont * cos xang * cos zang
	set y to lont * cos xang * sin zang

	Activator.moveto player x y 0


Forced Relative Orientation

Script Type: Quest, Object or Effect For a Quest or Object script, use a GameMode block. For an Effect script, use a ScriptEffectUpdate block.
In order to use the EditorRefID of your reference in a script like this, it must be a persistent reference.

float fAngle
float fRelativePos

Begin GameMode

	set fRelativePos to player.GetPos z + <Z OFFSET>
	myREF.setPos z fRelativePos

	set fAngle to player.GetAngle Z + <ANGLE OFFSET>
	myREF.SetAngle Z fAngle

	set fRelativePos to player.GetPos Y + <PLAYER OFFSET> * cos fAngle
	myREF.SetPos Y fRelativePos

	set fRelativePos to player.GetPos X + <PLAYER OFFSET> * sin fAngle
	myREF.SetPos X fRelativePos

  • <Z OFFSET> determines the reference's z offset from the player's feet. The higher this is, the further above the player's feet the reference will appear. If <Z OFFSET> should be determined by where the player is looking, this should be used:
    set fAngle to player.GetAngle X
    set fRelativePos to player.GetPos Z - <PLAYER OFFSET> * sin fAngle
  • <ANGLE OFFSET> determines the reference's position relative to the players. As <ANGLE OFFSET> increases, the reference's position will move around the player in an anti-clockwise direction. When <ANGLE OFFSET> is 0, the reference will appear directly in front of the player.
  • <PLAYER OFFSET> determine's the horizontal distance between the reference and the player. As <PLAYER OFFSET> increases, the reference appears further and further from the player

The player can be substituted for any other reference here and the script will still work. Note that the reference may appear to move through solid objects, especially when <PLAYER OFFSET> is set to a particularly large value.

Autoclosing door

Script Type: Object

Scriptname AutoClosingDoor

float doorTimer
short closeDoor

Begin GameMode
	if closeDoor == 1
		if doorTimer > 0
			set doorTimer to doorTimer - getSecondsPassed
		elseif GetOpenState == 1 ; if the door is still open
			SetOpenState 0 ; close the door
			set closeDoor to 0

Begin OnActivate
	if GetOpenState == 3 ; if the door is closed
		if IsActionRef Player == 0  ; if it should work for the player remove this...
			set doorTimer to 5
			set closeDoor to 1
		endif                       ; ...and this

Karma Effects on Items

Script Type: Effect
For armour, you can use a scripted Object Effect. This allows the armour to safely be equipped and unequipped via EquipItem and UnequipItem

ScriptName KarmaEffect

ref rWearer

Begin ScriptEffectStart
	set rWearer to GetSelf
	if rWearer.GetIsReference player
		RewardKarma -650

Begin ScriptEffectFinish
	if rWearer.GetIsReference player
		RewardKarma 650

Script Type: Object
For weapons, you'll have to use an Object Script. "Weapon" type Object Effects are applied to that weapon's target, and are therefore unsuitable for applying effects to the wielder

ScriptName KarmaEffect

Begin OnEquip player
	player.RewardKarma -650

Begin OnUnequip player
	player.RewardKarma 650


Script Type: Effect

spell effect script for a weapon that knocks people far away and creates a trail of smoke or fire along the way.
NOTE - Only works correctly when the player has the weapon equipped.

scn CALFPeffectSCR

short ActorValue1
short ActorValue2
short ActorValue3
short DamageValue

Begin ScriptEffectStart
    ; places initial explosion when hit, just in case there's no specified explosion effect in the weapons projectile
    ; also useful if you'd want a melee weapon or fist to cause explosions on hit
    placeatme {ExplosionType}
    Player.PushActorAway Target 104
    ; this is the part of the script in which you can specify a certain damage formula
    ; the formula can be added to the base damage amount set in the weapons tab
    ; -or you can set the damage in the tab to zero and fully rely on the formula to calculate damage
    ; it can be the target NPC/creature's actor value or the player's
    ; it's also fine not to make a certain damage formula
    set ActorValue1 to Player.GetAv {ActorValue1}
    set ActorValue2 to Player.GetAv {ActorValue2}
    set ActorValue3 to Player.GetAv {ActorValue3}
    set Damage to -1 * ( {formula incorporating actor values} )
    ModAv Health DamageValue
    ; make the effect play a certain sound-you could also use the sound of the explosion and not specify a specific sound
    Playsound3D Play a certain sound

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
    ; this is the part where you place a smoke effect on every axis the NPC/Creature is located
    ; it makes as if the smoke is always coming out of the target while the effect is taking place
    placeatme {smokeeffect}
    ; alternatively add a smoke actor effect on the character
    CastImmediateOnSelf {smoke actor effect}

begin ScriptEffectFinish
    ;if you used the above alternative, this segment removes the smoke effect from the character
    RemoveSpell {smoke actor effect}

Simulating Global Functions in your Mod

Global functions, or behavior that acts as though it's a global function can be simulated through the use of a shared script (i.e. a Quest script) and setting properties on it as though it were a state machine.

It must be understood that scripts execute all the way through, each tick, and many times the result from a function call won't be readable until the next tick has occurred. Some parts in this example use NVSE (FOSE works as well for Fallout3).

The first script is called ExampleScript and is a Quest type script for the Quest called Example. Note that referencing variables in a script from outside of the script must be done by referencing the Quest name, not the Script name. (i.e. Example.Initialized instead of ExampleScript.Initialized).

If you have any questions, email me at [email protected].

    ScriptName ExampleScript

    Short Initialized

    Short Msg_FnSum
    Short Msg_FnSum_Done
    Short Msg_FnProduct
    Short Msg_FnProduct_Done

    Short Param1 ; best to name these something better
    Short Param2 ; if you are not going to share them
    Short ReturnValue

    Begin GameMode
      If Initialized == 0 || GetGameLoaded || GetGameRestarted ; last two are from NVSE
        Set Initialized to 1
        Set Param1 to 0
        Set Param2 to 0
        Set ReturnValue to 0
        Set Msg_FnSum to 0
        Set Msg_FnSum_Done to 0
        Set Msg_FnProduct to 0
        Set Msg_FnProduct_Done to 0

      If Msg_FnSum != 0
        Set ReturnValue to Param1 + Param2
        Set Msg_FnSum to 0
        Set Msg_FnSum_Done to 1
      ElseIf Msg_FnProduct != 0
        Set ReturnValue to Param1 * Param2
        Set Msg_FnProduct to 0
        Set Msg_FnProduct_Done to 1

The calling script can be anything really. You will notice in this script, the calling of the Msg_FnSum and Msg_FnProduct occur in separate time ticks than the Msg_FnSum_Done and Msg_FnProduct_Done code. The entire script is ready every tick but the conditions triggered by the code in the ExampleScript will not have taken place in the first pass.

    ScriptName Other

    Short SumValue
    Short ProductValue

    Begin GameMode
      If SomeCondition == 1
        ; Let's call function Sum
        Set Example.Param1 to 2         ; Set parameter 1
        Set Example.Param2 to 5         ; Set parameter 2
        Set Example.Msg_FnSum to 1      ; Call Msg_FnSum on next tick
      ElseIf SomeCondition == 2
        ; Let's call function Product
        Set Example.Param1 to 2         ; Set parameter 1
        Set Example.Param2 to 5         ; Set parameter 2
        Set Example.Msg_FnProduct to 1  ; Call Msg_FnProduct on next tick

      ; Occurs in a later 'tick' than the calling code
      If Example.Msg_FnSum_Done == 1
        ; Do something with the value
        ; The value of Example.ReturnValue is now 7

        Set Example.ReturnValue to 0    ; Clean up return value (be nice)
        Set Example.Msg_FnSum_Done to 0 ; Prevent this code block from executing next tick
      ElseIf Example.Msg_FnProduct_Done == 1
        ; Do something with the value
        ; The value of Example.ReturnValue is now 10

        Set Example.ReturnValue to 0        ; Clean up return value (be nice)
        Set Example.Msg_FnProduct_Done to 0 ; Prevent this code block from executing next tick


NOTE: since FOSE is not as well-developped as NVSE, the scripts seen below are likely to use methods which would be considered inneficient when given NVSE's tools.


Script Type: Object

Script requires the Fallout Script Extender.

To be placed on a terminal, it changes the usual "Robco" headers to your liking.

ScriptName TerminalChange

Short toggle
Float minitimer
Short activated

Begin OnActivate player
  set activated to 1
  Activate ;For people without FOSE, still works.
  con_setgamesetting sComputersHeader1 "GREAT ACADEMY OF VALHALLA"
  con_setgamesetting sComputersHeader2 "Republic of Valhalla"
  con_setgamesetting sHackingHeader "VALHALLA REPUBLIC TERMLINK PROTOCOL"
  con_setgamesetting shackingintro01 "WELCOME TO VALHALLA REPUBLIC TERMLINK"
  con_setgamesetting shackingintro06 "Initializing Valhalla Republic MF Boot Agent v2.1.9"
  con_setgamesetting shackingintro09 "Copyright 2156-2234 Academy of Valhalla"

Begin MenuMode
  if activated == 1
    set activated to 2

Begin GameMode
  if activated == 2
    set activated to 0
    ;On shutting down the terminal. Makes sure it doesn't show up on others.
    con_setgamesetting sComputersHeader1 "ROBCO INDUSTRIES UNIFIED OPERATING SYSTEM"
    con_setgamesetting sComputersHeader2 "COPYRIGHT 2075-2077 ROBCO INDUSTRIES "
    con_setgamesetting sHackingHeader "ROBCO INDUSTRIES (TM) TERMLINK PROTOCOL"
    con_setgamesetting shackingintro01 "WELCOME TO ROBCO INDUSTRIES (TM) TERMLINK"
    con_setgamesetting shackingintro06 "Initializing Robco Industries(TM) MF Boot Agent v2.3.0"
    con_setgamesetting shackingintro09 "Copyright 2201-2203 Robco Ind."


Script Type: Quest

Script requires the Fallout Script Extender.

To be placed on a quest, it will run some code when a key is released. See FOSEs Command Docs for additional DirectX Scancodes

ScriptName HotkeyReleased

Short sToggle

Begin GameMode
	if IsKeyPressed 25 != sToggle
		set sToggle to IsKeyPressed 25
		if sToggle ;Button pressed
			;Do things when button 'p' is pressed, in this case, decrease karma
			RewardKarma -650
		else ;Button released
			;Do things when button 'p' is released, in this case, increase karma
			RewardKarma 650

Note: Your attached Quest should have a small script Processing delay, otherwise the key event may not work.

Iterating through multiple lists

Script Type: Object

Script requires the Fallout Script Extender.

This is a good technique for making simulated 2 dimension arrays in tes script There are a few technically unnecessary variables but this loop is setup to be used as part of a series.

To use in series, just copy everything from ";Main Loop" to the last "EndIf". The only thing you need to change is the value of "MainList".

If you use this on any list that may be empty it is a good idea to surround any use of CurrentRef with an if block checking if the ref == 0

Sorry for any errors, I'm writing this from memory

scn Test2Dim

; Counter vars
long Count1
long Count2

; Max Count vars
long MaxCount1
long MaxCount2

; Label vars
short Label1
short Label2

; Lists
ref MainList
ref CurrentList

ref CurrentRef

Begin onActivate
	; setup counters
	Set Label1 To 0
	Set Label2 To 1
	;Main Loop
	Set MainList To TopLevelListHere
	Set Label1 To Label1 + 2 ; 2 Because its the number af labels
	Set Label2 To Label2 + 2
	Set Count1 To 0
	Set MaxCount1 To ListGetCount MainList
	Label Label1
		Set Count2 To 0
		Set CurrentList To ListGetNthForm MainList Count1
		Set MaxCount2 To ListGetCount CurrentList
		Label Label2
			Set CurrentRef To ListGetNthForm CurrentList Count2
			; Use CurrentRef here
		If Count2 < MaxCount2
			Set Count2 To Count2 + 1
			GoTo Label2
	If Count1 < MaxCount1
		Set Count1 To Count1 + 1
		GoTo Label1

Iterate Through Disabled Objects

Script Type: Object

Script requires the Fallout Script Extender.

To be placed on an Activator, and linked to a reference.

Usage involves linking the activator to a disabled reference. The disabled reference is linked in a loop with several other disabled references. Each activation will disable the previous reference and enable the next reference.

ScriptName LoopThroughReferences

ref currentRef
ref previousRef
ref nextRef

Begin OnActivate player

	set previousRef to getSelf

	Label 1

	set currentRef to previousRef.getLinkedRef
	set nextRef to currentRef.getLinkedRef

	if currentRef.getDisabled == 0
		set previousRef to currentRef
		goto 1
