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A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.


Returns whether or not the passed Weapon (1st argument), which can be either a base form, or a reference of a weapon placed in the world, has an optional weapon mod of the specified type. If it does, the function returns the index (1-3) of the weapon mod. Otherwise, 0 is returned.


(modSlot:int) WeaponHasModType weapon:form modType:int{1-16}

Weapon Mod Type IDs

1	Increase Damage
2	Increase Clip Capacity
3	Decrease Spread
4	Decrease Weight
5	Regenerate Ammo (Shots)
6	Regenerate Ammo (Seconds)
7	Decrease Equip Time
8	Increase Rate of Fire
9	Increase Projectile Speed
10	Increase Max Condition
11	Silencer
12	Split Beam
13	VATS Bonus
14	Increase Zoom (Scope)
16	Suppressor


set iSilencerSlot to WeaponHasModType rWeapon 11 

See Also