Category:Functions (ppNVSE)
(Redirected from PpNVSE)
ppNVSE is an xNVSE plugin created by Pistol Payback, with the help from Demo, Luthien, Wall_sogb, and many more people from the xNVSE server.
It is available in any NVWO modules: Weapon Smith. Akimbo Framework. Devkit. Or standalone on github: ppNVSE
Pages in category "Functions (ppNVSE)"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.
- Kit::1stPersonModel
- Kit::Add
- Kit::AmmoUsed
- Kit::AttachedModel
- Kit::ClipSize
- Kit::CritChance
- Kit::CritDmg
- Kit::Description
- Kit::EditorID
- Kit::FireRate
- Kit::Health
- Kit::InventoryImage
- Kit::IsBaseAttachment
- Kit::Link
- Kit::Masters
- Kit::Multishot
- Kit::Name
- Kit::Reach
- Kit::Script
- Kit::Template
- Kit::Texture
- Kit::Value
- Kit::Weight
- Kit::WorldModel