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A function added by the JohnnyGuitar NVSE Plugin.


Sets the value of a numeric trait of a Media Set (determined by traitID).


SetMediaSetTraitNumeric MediaSet:ref traitID:int{0-17} newValue:float

Numeric Media Set Trait IDs

0	Type (NAM1): 0 - Battle, 1 - Location, 2 - Dungeon, 3 - Incidental
1	Loop dB / Battle dB / Day Outer dB (NAM8)
2	Explore dB / Day Middle dB (NAM9)
3	Suspense dB / Day Inner dB (NAM0)
4	Night Outer dB (ANAM)
5	Night Middle dB (BNAM)
6	Night Inner dB (CNAM)
7	Day Outer Boundary % (JNAM)
8	Day Middle Boundary % (KNAM)
9	Day Inner Boundary % (LNAM)
10	Night Outer Boundary % (MNAM)
11	Night Middle Boundary % (NNAM)
12	Night Inner Boundary % (ONAM)
13	Flags (PNAM)
14	Wait Time / Minimum Time On / Daytime Min (DNAM)
15	Loop Fade Out / Looping/Random Crossfade Overlap / Nighttime Min (ENAM)
16	Recovery Time / Layer Crossfade Time / Daytime Max (FNAM)
17	Nighttime Max (GNAM)

Same Media Set traits can hold up to three different values depending on the Media Set type. For better understanding of how they work, take a look at Media Set records in FNVEdit.


if (GetMediaSetTraitNumeric musSetIncDesert 0 == 3) // if Media Set type is Incidental
      SetMediaSetTraitNumeric musSetIncDesert 14 20 // set Daytime Min value to 20

See Also