A function added by the JIP NVSE Plugin.
Sets/removes the specified UDF Script as a handler that will be invoked in the event "SetStage quest stageIdx" is called from any script.
The skipScript argument is optional, and if non-zero will effectively prevent the result script (if any) of the specified stage from being executed.
When invoked, the script is passed with two arguments: the Quest and the Stage index.
(success:0/1) SetOnQuestStageEventHandler handlerScript:ref setORremove:1/0 quest:ref stageIdx:int skipScript:1/0
SetOnQuestStageEventHandler OnQuestStageUDF 1 vDialogueEDE 10 1
Sets the OnQuestStageUDF script as a handler to be invoked when "SetStage vDialogueEDE 10" is called. The result script of the stage will not be executed.
SetOnQuestStageEventHandler OnQuestStageUDF 0 vDialogueEDE 10
Removes the OnQuestStageUDF script as a handler of the above.
Handler Script
A skeleton handler script for this event:
scn OnQuestStageUDF ref rQuest int iStageIdx begin Function {rQuest, iStageIdx} (code) end